The Unrelatable Podcast
Hi, hello, I’m Hannah! This is the space where I explore both the relatable and unrelatable experiences that shape who we are. We explore everything from conquering our fears, to discussing topics like mental health, fitness, pressures of social media, friend dynamics, and the small victories (and losses) along the way. Live on Thursday's.
You can also look forward to random Bonus Episodes known as WFR (Weekly Friday Recaps). We chat about the most recent news in pop culture, the books I'm currently reading, updates on my life, dramatic tv shows, and more!
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The Unrelatable Podcast
Hot Mess Express
Welcome to all of our most embarrassing moments that we hope to leave behind! From drooling on your boyfriend to tearing your swimsuit bottoms, there is plenty of relatability to go around in this ep.
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Hi. Hello. Welcome back to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. I asked for unrelatable, embarrassing, messy moments from you guys, and you did not disappoint. I also have a few from the Ask Women Reddit page.
And these range from things that you feel you shouldn't feel embarrassed about, but for some reason, you do to bigger moments that you just want to black out from or literally blacked out during. So I am really excited for today's episode. We're keeping it nice and light and fun. And just like most things, we are going to leave these in 2024. And with that, welcome back to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast.
Jumping right into our very first story, we have quite a lot. I think we have, I don't know, 15 submissions. So buckle up. We're diving right in. Our first story says, I had a great day at a water park slash outdoor pool.
And towards the afternoon, a woman came up to me and whispered in my ear that I had a problem with my swimsuit. I reached behind and noticed a huge gap. The fabric was torn right down the middle, and you could see my white untanned booty crack. I was running around like this all day long, and nobody said anything. This is why I have trust the shoes is the fact that you could literally have your bare booty out and about in a non purposeful way, and nobody lets you know.
Not a single per well, I guess, actually, obviously, one person did. But all day long, you're running around, honestly, maybe it hadn't gotten to that point until just then because, those water parks, those slides, they're dangerous. Oh my goodness. There's been a time or 2 where my top completely flew off. That's why, I don't know, tankinis are a lot safer.
One pieces are a lot safer at the water park, especially with what is it called when you're water skiing or water? I was gonna say when you're waterboarding. When you're waterboarding yourself, no. What is that one called? Water surfing?
I I obviously, I've done it twice in my entire life, but that is also that is you have to be very conscious of what outfit you are picking out for that as well because it is so easy to fly off and lose your top. I don't know. Maybe they were onto something when they said don't wear bikinis. They just wanted you to protect yourself from getting losing your top. Okay.
Next one, story number 2. 1 of my exes fell for the for the Nigerian prince email spam when we were in college and ended up owing the bank $20,000. What is the Nigerian prince scam? Oh my goodness. Okay.
Let me read this. It says that it refers to an online phrase that plays on well known Internet frauds where scammers impersonate a Nigerian prince claiming to need money to access a large fortune and promising a significant share to the recipient if they send them a small amount upfront, essentially representing an obvious and easily identifiable scam. It was wide spread through email in the early days of the Internet, featuring a story about a Nigerian prince needing help to access a lot of money. That is actually hilarious that he fell for that. He probably might have been lucky to have that $20,000 if all it took was a Nigerian prince to take it all the way.
I wonder if it is actually real. This this comment says my stepfather has fallen for the Nigerian prince scam every 5 years or so. Oh my goodness. I feel like most of the time, elderly people are targeted for those. Not even through email spam anymore, but on dating apps, I know that that can happen on dating apps.
I know that, if you're having a hard time and you get a nice email and you wanna feel good about yourself, you might aid a few dollars. I don't know. I feel like, hopefully, these days, we all know what the scams are because $20,000 is so much money. Okay. Story 3.
I don't remember it happening, but I was pretty mortified when my ex told me about this. I had a grand mal seizure while we were having sex. A grand mal seizure? A seizure? He probably was just like, yep.
She is having a great old time. Oh my goodness. This sounds like an actual nightmare. I just looked it up. Grand mal seizures are a type of seizure that involves a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions.
Oh my goodness. Also, sorry I didn't warn you, but I will put an explicit thing on this episode so that you do know that we will be talking about some explicit things today. But literally, he probably just thought you were, like, having the time of your life. I'm so sorry. I I feel like that's not I mean, I guess it is embarrassing, but it's more so it's you literally could not have controlled it.
And I know that medical embarrassments are quite common. And what I have to say to that is it you cannot control it. You can't control it, and nobody is out here trying to make you feel bad about it. Honestly, he's not sharing that story. He's for sure not sharing that story.
So don't worry about that. I'm sorry it happened though. Okay. This next one says, my freshman year of college, I raised my hand in a lecture of 50 plus people and asked to use the bathroom. Just typing that makes you want to melt into the floor.
No. Because when we graduate high school and are just thrown into college, we're under the assumption that everything kind of runs similarly. At least, actually, I felt like everything was opposite. For some reason, I thought, oh, I can show up late to class. I can skip a class randomly.
They're not taking, what is it called when they take, oh, attendance. They're not taking attendance. And then I would kind of get surprised when they did take attendance or when the clicker counted as attendance. I don't know why, but, yeah, asking to go to the bathroom in front of your entire classroom, I just feel like people would just think, oh, she's for sure a freshman. And, hey, that's okay.
We were all there once upon a time. And, look, now you probably have a degree to show for it. So who is the real winner now? Okay. Story number 5, crossing the street with a bunch of cars stopped at the light feels embarrassing, and I don't know why.
I know exactly what you mean. You start overthinking, am I walking weird? Are they judging my stride? Should I wave at them and be like, hey. Thanks for stopping, or is that cringey too?
Honestly, crossing the street should not feel like a performance, but here we are. And I can't deny I am guilty. I watch everybody when they're crossing the street. And sometimes if I'm the person crossing the street, I will also look at people in the car because I'm like, you do know that I can see you. Right?
I can see you staring, and so I'll sometimes I'll just stare back unabashedly. I don't know. Is that really weird? I don't know. Sometimes I'm just like, Hannah, why why did you do that?
Why did you stare at them right back? Sometimes I just feel weird. Sometimes I'm like, you're in your little glass box, and you don't realize I can see you too. Stop staring. I guess I should take a note or 2 from myself.
I think it's just interesting to people watch, and I think it's just people people watching. We all we all do it. We all we all like it. Right? Okay.
Story number 6. This happened really recently. Here we go. My friend and I went to dinner. Soon after, we didn't feel so good.
We realized we both need a bathroom. We're not gonna make it home. We need it right now. We pull into the mall parking lot, not the mall bathrooms, and run inside to use the bathroom. I am in the middle stall.
My friend is on the right, and on my left, a mom is helping her child go to the bathroom. My friend and I are violently I can't even say it. Violently going to the bathroom, which is embarrassingly enough knowing this poor woman is hearing us. I hear my friend ask, are you finished? And I reply, I think so.
I then hear my friend, and the lady in the stall next to me burst out laughing. And I realized that the lady was actually asking her child if they were finished using the restroom so that she could help them. It was definitely not my friend asking me. Okay. That's hilarious.
And I feel like I have done that before where you're talking in a stall and then someone else responds, or you respond thinking that it's your friend and it's actually a stranger. Been there. Done that. Honestly, I feel like a lot of these things are more relatable than you would think because how many of us have been in a bathroom stall? Every single one of us.
100 of times, probably, unless you never leave your house, I guess. But even if you do leave your house, I mean, going shopping at the store, grocery shopping, going even on a hike, and there's a I guess I would actually choose the wilderness rather than a porta potty. But, anyways, I just feel like, yeah, these things are bound to happen. They're bound to happen, and, hey, we made it through it. You made it through.
And the worst thing that can happen is you just, you just hang out in there for a few more minutes until until they leave if you really are that embarrassed. And, yeah, it fixes itself. Okay. This next story says, I feel so embarrassed setting boundaries with friends. It makes me so nervous.
And then after I do it, I feel like I did something wrong, and I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Okay. But this is so real. Why does setting boundaries feel like you just kicked a puppy? You're literally just saying, hey.
This is what I need, and somehow we spiral spiral into, am I a monster, which, spoiler alert, you're not, and you should not feel ashamed or embarrassed. And if someone is making you feel that way because you're drawing boundaries, then it's probably a good a good thing to choose your boundaries with them because they're not being very empathetic or understanding. And yeah. But I 100% agree. It's one of those things that feels dumb to feel embarrassed about, but it's so real.
It's like today, I had to send an email. I sent an email and I said, hey. I haven't received my paycheck yet. I just wanted to know, I had no idea what to say, you guys. So I basically typed into chat gbt.
Yes. Because I am incapable of using my brain right now. And I typed in, I said, hi. I haven't received my paycheck yet. I'm wondering when I will be receiving it.
I don't have a history of my other paychecks at the moment. And so if it's coming and it just isn't here yet, please let me know, and I will just wait for it. In my mind, that is all I could come up with is, you know, that's kinda like a general thesis of what I was thinking. And Chat GPT threw it together so easily. And in my mind, I was just like, why can I not why can I not formulate these things?
Why does it feel so embarrassing to ask about a missing paycheck? So this is what I said. I wanted to check-in because I haven't received a paycheck yet. I'm not sure when paydays typically are since I don't have access to that history right now. So if it's coming up soon, I appreciate your patience with me asking.
Thank you so much. See, that's not so hard, isn't it? Why do I need to have chat gbt help me formulate that? Because I'm so embarrassed to ask about it. I don't know.
It's just one of those dumb things. Okay. Next one. A regular customer came into the video store I used to work at. Video store.
Oh my goodness. This is old. No. I'm just kidding. Just joking.
He was wearing a suit, really dressed up. I whistled. Wow. Who died? The customer said, my mother.
Honestly, this is not great. I do feel secondhand embarrassment for you. No. For real. That's the worst thing to happen ever.
I've had that happen where you say something in a joking way of like, oh, who would do that? That's the dumbest thing ever. Or this person looks like this character from this TV show, and they say, that's actually my mom. I think I told you guys that story once a long time ago, but it is so embarrassing because you just feel so bad. And then what are you supposed to say?
What are you supposed to say? In fact, go good job to the customer. I mean, that's ballsy. I don't know what you're expecting to receive from that. If you wanted someone to feel embarrassed, don't worry.
You did it. That's crazy. Okay. Next one. I was at a restaurant in Italy, and my friend and I were sitting at a sidewalk table all the way at the end of the row.
After getting back from the bathroom, I went to smooth my skirt down before sitting and realized my shirt was tucked into my underwear. I walked past all the servers, the open kitchen, full restaurant, busy sidewalk with my skirt tucked into my thong. Oh, and I had a panty liner wrapped around it. No. You did not.
You know, you've always gotta do that full 360 check before you leave the bathroom stall, especially with a skirt because I've had that happen to me before as well, but it was not it was not to that extent, especially when you're in another country and you're, you know, you're sitting at the cute sidewalk table, and there's tons of people walking all around you. Oh my goodness. I, nope. I actually do have a funny sidewalk restaurant story from Italy myself. So last year, my friend and I were in, Rio Maggiore, I think is what is what it's called.
It's in oh my goodness. I'm forgetting the name. It's like those cute little towns where there's 4 or 5 of them, and it's where the movie dude, I wow. I'm not remembering a single thing. I'm so sorry.
I'm hoping that by this time next year, my memory will be in full swing, and I'll actually know what I'm talking about. Okay. You know that movie where it was based on the coast of Italy? Oh my goodness. It was like a Disney movie.
Well, I can't I can't remember, but I just remember that the place is Rio Maggiore. That's where we stayed, and it was absolutely beautiful. Oh, Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre is is like the collection of all of these villages. Oh my goodness.
It is the cutest. I I suggest that for everyone, and I don't suggest going on a cruise there. I suggest actually flying into that area, and then you take a train from La Spezia Spezia, I think, and then stay in one of the towns. And you can just hike across the cliff sides each day and then swim in the evenings. Anyways, I looked it up, and the film is called Luca.
I don't know if you've seen that before. But, anyways, Luca was it used the Chincoteira region to it was inspired by that. Anyways, long story short, we had finished this extremely long day hike. I think it was, I don't know, 8 ish hours long in the dead heat of the summer. In fact, just the week before, it had hit the hottest temperatures in all of Italy ever recorded.
And, anyways, we were hiking. We changed out on the stones. There was not a single bathroom in sight. Usually, you have to be a paying customer in order to use restrooms, which was difficult. So what we did is we got, like, all the way on the corner next to the cliff.
And my friend, she had a little microfiber towel that she brought, and she had packed everything. Oh my goodness. You know those friends that are so resourceful and they just bring everything you could ever think about? She was that person. And sometimes I I think that I have, you know, traveling with just a backpack on lockdown, but this girl is amazing at it.
Shout out to you, Anna. So, basically, we held this little tiny it was, like, 1 foot by 2 feet big of this micro micro towel, and we just, like, changed underneath that. We swam. It was amazing. And then we put on, you know, our top and bottoms, whatever, and picked one of those restaurants on the side, a cute little sidewalk restaurant.
And we eat our meal. It's delicious, and we decide to get some dessert. And, actually, not really we. It was more so me. And I asked the waiter, what do you recommend?
And he looks at me and he kinda, like, smiles, and he says this. This is our most popular. And he points at it. And I say, I was kinda thinking about this one, which, of course, I know. Why did I even ask for recommendation if I already knew what I wanted?
I feel like it's the polite thing to do. Right? But he says, no. No. No.
No. No. Not that one. This one. So I say, okay.
Sounds good. I'll take that. It is the most disgusting dessert I've ever had in my life. It's literally like a 1000 loogies blended together with some cacao powder mixed in there, formed into like a little mug cake. The consistency of pudding, of course, It was not great.
It was disgusting, actually. And I begged Anna. I said, please eat this with me. And she said, nope. I'm not doing it.
And she's good with boundaries. Because I was just like, please help me finish this. I don't wanna eat it, but I don't wanna, like, not eat it because he recommended it, and it's his favorite. Yeah. The people pleasing in me.
I essentially took a few bites and then, you know, decided I'm I'm not doing this and just had to embarrassingly, hey. Wow. You know, the waiter looked and saw that I had 2 bites of his recommendation. Again, why is it embarrassing? It's not even my fault.
It's not even his fault. It's not even that it's not even that big of a deal. Anyways, go to Chincoteur. Wonderful, wonderful place. Okay.
This next one says, I get anxious buying toilet paper. It's like now everyone in the store knows I pee and poop like a mere mortal. Like a mere mortal, there's nothing truer ever said. Because especially, when it's really the only thing you need from the grocery store, you know that I'm going around and I will find 10 other items. I will find 10 other items.
So you cannot focus on the singular pack of 12 Cottonelle extremely soft toilet paper rolls. Okay. Next story. They say, I am embarrassed about my first ex. He wants to live with his mom forever and slept in the same bed as her until the age of 16 even though he had his own room and bed.
His dad would sleep elsewhere. He says she's the most beautiful woman in the world and calls her for any little issue he has, like if he has a stomachache while we're on vacation even though I'm a nurse. Stop it right now. He'll call her while we're having a nice dinner on vacation too. His mom shops for all of his clothes, and he can't stay out past 9 PM despite being 23 years old at the time.
He had to ask his mom for permission for anything, even to sleep over at my place. His mom knows how to drive, but once he turns 16, she decided to stop driving and make him drive her everywhere, including to 3 different grocery grocery shores every Sunday, grocery stores every Sunday, and 2 hours away to go shopping. Him and his mom go out all the time, leaving his dad at home. You know, they're an ex for a reason, and that's because he's obsessed with his mother, and he is going to make you his mommy. If there's one thing I've learned, it's yeah.
If if your ex has mommy issues, he will make you his mom, and you do not want that because what are you gonna do? Drive him around every Sunday? What are you gonna do? I think this is hilarious. Like I said, he is an ex for a reason, and he's never gonna be lonely.
He's gonna be with his mom forever. Sounds like she set up some freaking weird thing there. That is insane. Okay. Next one.
I feel so embarrassed buying pregnancy tests, and that's coming from someone who's trying to get pregnant. This is so real. When you have to buy something and it's literally on purpose and you're just embarrassed for doing it, yeah, I I mean, I can't relate to the pregnancy test one. Actually, I have bought pregnancy tests before, and that was the most terrifying thing because it was not the right time nor the right place. And I don't know if that'll ever not be embarrassing, but it is kinda funny.
Okay. If you thought you had a bad day, just wait till you hear this next one. Okay. They say, I have to share this. It will forever be the most horrifying night of my life.
I studied abroad last semester in a small town in Italy, but it had a big university with lots of young students. I met a cute guy at the disco one night. At the disco? I wanna go to the disco. What does that even mean?
I met a cute guy at the disco one night, and we exchanged numbers and kept in touch. A couple of weeks later, he asked me out for drinks. I was abroad and to save money and get drunk fast, I would buy €2 boxed wine and drink it all before going out. I drank a whole box of red wine before going to meet him. He picked me up from my home stay.
We got drinks, laughed, and ended up at his place. He rolled a spliff. Wow. We're learning a lot tonight. Spliff, and then they say it's marijuana and tobacco.
K. Again, learning some new things tonight. And I told him I smoked all the time, so I was good. A couple hits later, and I'm laying down next to him trying to play it cool, like I don't have the spins and the world is flip flopping around. I get up and say I have to use the restroom.
I open the door to the restroom and project vomit everywhere. I shut the door. There's red vomit on the toilet, on the washing machine, the rug, the day, everywhere. I started cleaning it up, but there's so much, and I can't throw it away because it'll smelt the room. I can't flush it because the walls are thin, and him and his roommates can hear every single time the toilet flushes.
I end up tossing vomit toilet paper out the window. No. You did not. Just right into the streets. I clean up the best I could and enter his room.
Then I vomit all over his room and onto my clothes a second time. I'm so mortified. I flee the scene, and I end up walking 45 minutes home at 3 AM on the streets. I don't think I'll ever recover because I know his roommates heard and my vomit was everywhere. It really humbled me.
So this is one of those times where we just learn a really big lesson, and we just we rinse and we don't repeat. We rinse it from our mind and we don't repeat it. I feel like that's why, also, I don't remember a lot of my embarrassing moments is because sometimes they just get washed away. They're tucked really far in the back corners of my brain. It's either that or they've been told.
They've been told and they've been forgotten because we can't we can't lay on it forever, but something like this something like this would definitely reside in a dark closet in the back of my brain for a little bit too long. It sounds so traumatizing, actually. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Again, learned a few lessons here. Next story.
I hate checking the price of something and then deciding not to buy it. I always pretend to admire it for a few more seconds, as if anyone is even looking at me. So silly. No. This is so real, especially when you don't even like the item.
This is what I'll do. If I think an item is actually kind of ugly, sometimes I'll look at the price tag because I'm thinking, what on earth are they gonna charge for this hideous garment? And then, usually, I'm shocked. Usually, it's, you know, $78 or something outrageous, especially when the fabric is of poor material. I mean, you could be looking at anything.
You could be looking at the quality of the fabric, whatever. It is one of those things, though, that's kind of, like, weirdly, you feel like you have to be a little bit nonchalant about it. The thing for me that I've been more so being weird about, I feel like, is the other day, I was walking in the park, and I held up my phone to see how my hair looked because a big gust of wind had blown through. And I had my sunglasses on top of my head. So I just knew there were hairs flying everywhere.
And I was passing people, and for some reason, I got embarrassed that I was checking what I was looking like in my phone. So I pretended I pretended I was FaceTiming somebody. Why did I do that? I don't know. That's almost even more embarrassing.
So yeah. Anyways, that that's something I did this last week. And, actually, was it this week? Maybe it wasn't this week. I forget when it was.
But it's just one of those silly little things that we sometimes feel embarrassed by. Okay. Next story. This happened in my 7th grade history class. I had been crushing on a guy all year long, but I knew he didn't like me back.
Some of my idiot friends had asked him out for me and he said no. Somehow, a rumor started that we were dating. Our teacher left the room to take a personal call, so I told him to tell people the truth that we weren't together. That jerk walked right up in front of our whole class and said, everyone, I'm not dating her. I rejected her 3 times, which was a lie.
Some people laughed. The teacher walked in not long after. I think I blacked out for the rest of the day, to be honest. Later in college at a party, I ran into a girl I knew from my hometown who had been in the classroom when it happened, and she mentioned how horrible she felt for me and that what he did was so messed up. I felt a lot better hearing that.
As time passes, the event seems so unreal, and it helps to remember other people witnessed it. Yeah. I feel like when you talk about your embarrassing things with other people, they can kind of make sense out of it and say, no. That is not on you. That is on them.
That was a jerk move to make, and I promise nobody's thinking about it tonight. You know? It rolls off people's back. It really does. And if it doesn't, then they're your number one fan, and they have bigger problems.
They have bigger you have bigger fish to fry than than that person because they're your fan. Okay. This next one, Getting a fountain drink at a gas station when there's a line of people waiting behind you feels scary. It's like I can't get the lid on the cup fast enough, and I'm always scared I'm gonna spill it and have to start over, and that I'm gonna let all those people down. It's honestly the pressure.
It's like when you're walking across the street, the pressure to not inconvenience anyone and to do it as quickly and as efficiently as possible, you know, when you're filling up your little fry sauce cups. I don't know. I I completely understand how how that is. This next one says, my ex and I were fooling around one day, and he wanted to try and lift me up in the air on his legs and do that airplane move like you do with little kids. I was smiling so hard that I forgot I was nearly upside down and drooled straight onto his chest.
You know, is it embarrassing? Yes. I I definitely would have been embarrassed, but you gotta laugh it out. You gotta laugh it out, and you can make that cute. You know?
You can you can make that a cute little thing. I guess it wasn't because now they're your ex, but it can always be worse. They can always, you know, drop you on top of them or something or I don't know. It can always be worse, and that's what usually I tell myself. Just gaslight yourself.
No. Okay. This one says, over 10 years ago, I went over to my friend's house for her high school graduation barbecue. I let myself in the back gate, mingled a little bit, and was so starving after working for 12 hours that I grabbed a plate before I went to go find her. I continued the hunt for my friend and just couldn't find her.
So finally, she called and she said she was in the kitchen. I'm in the kitchen. She's not there. It clicks that I am at the wrong house. I have never bolted so fast in my life.
I 100% would have totally stayed and eaten the food. I don't know. What would you guys have done? Honestly, that is actually the ultimate party hack. Show up, grab some food, leave before anyone realizes.
You get bonus points because you don't even have to bring a gift. This happened to me one time, actually. There was this one event I was going to. It was my friend's baby shower, and it was a really newly developed area. And so Google Maps only took me to the beginning of the road, you know, because it was all new homes.
So I'm driving around just kind of trying to figure out where this house is, and I even looked at the house numbers. And so I pull up on this home, and there's all of these baby shower decorations. And I think, okay. Perfect. I made it.
I knock on the door. They greet me. I'm like, hi. I'm Hannah. Thank you.
They let me in. And I'm walking into the home, and the girl sitting on the chair looks up, and we make eye contact. And I just freeze. And I'm like, that's not my friend. That is not my friend.
Who are you? And I was like, I think I'm at the wrong baby shower. And everyone laughed, and I was like, well, congratulations on your baby girl. And then I laughed. Oh my gosh.
I could not believe it was so funny. And my friend's house was literally 3 houses further up the road. So what what were the chances? What were the chance what were the chances they were both having a baby shower at the exact same time? I don't know.
Kinda wild. Okay. We only have a few more stories left. This one says, I was in the 5th grade in class raising my hand so I could ask for permission to go to the restroom. I was feeling extremely nauseous and knew I probably needed to throw up.
The teacher ignored me for what felt like the longest time. I couldn't take it anymore. My arm ached from keeping it raised for so long, and the nausea kept increasing. I stood up and dashed to the door. But as soon as I reached for the door handle, mister Gamboa, the like, the biggest jerk he was, pushed me out of the way and blocked the entrance.
A teacher doing that is insane. As I opened my mouth to try and explain that I was feeling terrible and really needed to leave, I couldn't hold it any longer. I threw up my entire lunch on his shoes. The shiny leather was covered with semi digested pasta and tomato sauce. His reaction was to jump out of the way with clear disgust on his face.
I instantly ran out towards the hallway and didn't look back till they got to the nurse's office. Well, if that's not karma, I don't know what is. I will never get the reason why teachers don't let kids go to the bathroom and or to throw up. I mean, if they miss instruction while you're teaching, then that is the natural consequence. So there's no reason to keep them from it.
I don't know. Okay. They say afterwards, I convinced my mom to let me stay home for almost an entire week by claiming I was still feeling quite sick, when in reality, I was so embarrassed to return to class. Once I was forced to go back to school, the incident was never even mentioned, thankfully, but nearly no one dared to look at me in the eye for days, including the teacher. That's because the teacher was embarrassed.
In fact, they should have apologized to you, in my humble opinion. I don't know. Again, I feel like they deserved it, and they learned a very big lesson. Okay. Next story says, I went to a very fancy restaurant, and he was deciding between 2 meals.
Oh, this is my father and I went to eat. My father and I went to eat at a very fancy restaurant, and he was deciding between 2 meals. The waiter told them told him that they're both excellent. But if you don't like meal number 1, I promise I'll get you meal number 2 with no charge. Meal number 1 came, and my dad loved it.
But he was prepared to get a free meal. So he ate only half of meal 1, called the waiter back, and pretended he hated the meal and got meal number 2. I was so embarrassed. You know, the people that like free things a little bit too much, That does call for some embarrassment and not on you and your behalf. It's almost like secondhand embarrassment of how are you doing this?
This happened one time with someone that I know very well. They wanted to not pay for their food, so they ate 75% of it and then complained about it and got not only a refund, but a coupon to come back again. And this person did this several times, and I was always so uncomfortable. The fact that they were just getting these free meals after eating so much of it by complaining that it was either too salty or not salty enough. I don't know.
Couldn't be me. Again, maybe maybe I should be a little bit less of a people pleaser, and then I would be able to get a free meal every now and then. I don't know. You know, I never really sent my meals back unless they came with me when I was vegetarian. I can't believe that's a sentence coming out of my mouth.
That's crazy. But, yeah, usually, I would just eat around certain ingredients if I didn't like it or if it was too salty. You know, you can add a sauce or something. I I only really complained when I would receive something that was supposed to be vegan or vegetarian, for instance, a patty. One time this happened at Beehive Grill in Cache Valley.
I ordered the vegan patty, and they literally brought me a I think it was turkey. Because you can tell when you bite into it, you can tell if it's meat or if it's if it's not meat. And the waiter didn't believe me. And I was just like, I don't know what to say. Like, this is this is me.
It's not vegetarian. I can't eat it. And, eventually, they got me a new one, and they apologized. They they took a look at it even, and they said, yeah. You're right.
This is me. And I was like, I'm not, like, crazy, and I never did that. I never sent stuff back. I was so embarrassed to do it. But when you're spending, you know, $16 on a meal these days, it's kind of hard not to send something back if it's not what you ordered.
But that's the difference is it's not to get a free meal. It's just to get what you rightfully ordered. Okay. Leaving that leaving that behind. This is the very last story.
And they said, I was just thinking about this yesterday. I used to get so embarrassed when I had panty lines showing or my bra or if my bra was somewhat visible or the strap stuck out. Yesterday was so hot, and I literally could not care. I feel like there's way too much pressure on women to be the perfect specimen. Every strand in the right place, tucked and tightened, always looking our best.
Well, f that. Yes. I'm wearing underwear, man, and I'm not changing what I'm wearing because you feel it's too visible. And you know I'm wearing these high cut briefs and have dimples. F off.
I think that there's a lot of truth in this because a lot of times we get embarrassed just by being ourselves or I don't know. I guess when I shared, I was embarrassed by fixing my hair. I mean, why is that embarrassing? I don't know. There's just so many situations where it's just being a human.
We're just being humans, and we are not actually the center of everyone's world. We're not actually the center of attention. No one is watching us that closely. And when I learned that several, several, several years ago, it really brought me a lot of relief because I I know there's a lot of different types of social anxiety, and one of them is that you do feel like everybody's watching you and you're really scared of making a mistake. But that is one thing that helped me was learning that, nobody really cares, especially in adulthood.
Obviously, in elementary school, middle school, high school, there are those random kids that are mean, and they might bully you or the random teacher that didn't wanna leave high school, so they decided to become a teacher, and they stay in that mindset. And, obviously, that's not every single teacher. I'd say maybe 1% of teachers are like that. But, yeah, honestly, if you're mortified, you're probably never gonna do it again. The more embarrassing moments you have, the quicker learner you are.
Right? Now like I was talking about before, I tend to really force myself to focus on those moments, and then it typically fades. Or if I talk to someone about it, it just becomes funny. Telling other people as if it's just a funny story always helps, and I would say that's probably my number one recommendation. If you're trying to get over anything embarrassing is to just tell someone about it.
I feel like that's something my siblings and I talk about all the time, our random small moments like that, and it just helps to laugh it off and to have someone tell you, like, now you're you're good. So that is everything that I have for today's episode. Again, thanks for thanks for listening. I'm keeping it kind of light this week. We do have some more fun episodes for this month, and I have lots of story submissions available.
They are all in my in my bio on my Instagram. And as always, I would appreciate a rate and review on the podcast. And with that, thank you so much for listening to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. See you next time.