The Unrelatable Podcast
Hi, hello, I’m Hannah! This is the space where I explore both the relatable and unrelatable experiences that shape who we are. We explore everything from conquering our fears, to discussing topics like mental health, fitness, pressures of social media, friend dynamics, and the small victories (and losses) along the way. Live on Thursday's.
You can also look forward to random Bonus Episodes known as WFR (Weekly Friday Recaps). We chat about the most recent news in pop culture, the books I'm currently reading, updates on my life, dramatic tv shows, and more!
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The Unrelatable Podcast
WFR! My First Solo Trip to See Billie Eilish
Have you ever attended a concert by yourself?? Me neither.... until last week! Today we're catching up on how it went and why my love for Billie runs so deep. We'll also catch up on other recent pop culture moments and other fun, random thoughts! Hope you enjoy <3
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I feel like it has been years since I've done a weekly Friday recap. My last one was September 6, and it said, live and let live. Why I love Utah? It was a weekly Friday recap, recapping my time in Utah. And, boy, I wow.
Now I'm back. I'm back in Utah. I posted my license. Can you believe that? It doesn't even the first picture, man, what a rough what a rough photo.
But you can say I'm glad to be back. So we're back in Utah. We're back with a weekly Friday recap. And today, I'm going to be recapping a few different things. Mostly my very first solo trip.
I did my very first solo trip, and it was to do what? To go to Billie Eilish's concert for her new album, Hit Me Hard and Soft. And so, yeah, I'm gonna be recapping that and some other really random housekeeping things, like, you know, what book releases are coming out and songs of the week and just some updates in pop culture. Those won't be till the end. So, yeah, I I am gonna start it out with Billie Eilish and just you know, I know that I'm not the only person in the world that likes her.
Okay? I am aware that she's, like, number 1 in the world. I don't think she is anymore because she was very politically involved and very open about the election. But I've actually been wondering, can somebody tell me who was number 1 on Spotify right now? I can't figure it out.
I've looked up Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber. Is it Post Malone? I haven't looked up Post Malone. I am just so confused because nobody is number 1. And I don't know why Post Malone is 15th.
I don't know why I I care, but I just think it's really interesting. And especially with Spotify wrapped or unwrapped coming out. I remember last year, I realized that it was one and not the other, and I had never known that for my entire life. Probably Spotify unwrapped is probably what it is, but that's coming out soon. And so we'll be doing a recap on that if you want.
I need more opinions, first of all. That's gonna be your housekeeping of the day. I need more opinions. What do you like? Do you even like weekly Friday recaps?
Should I do these, or should I just stick to my weekly Wednesday, Thursday episodes? Please let me know. Your opinion does matter because I am you know, I don't wanna be the only one interested in what I'm posting. I mean, I know that I'm not because you guys are listening, and that's very obvious to me. But I do want to post I don't know.
I guess, give me some validation. No. Just kidding. But I'm actually not kidding. Okay.
So with that, I just wanted to say, welcome back to the Unrelatable podcast. I am happy you're here, and, yeah, let's dive right into it. Happy daylight savings. You wanna hear how daylight savings went for me? This is exactly how it went.
So I woke up and I was staying at my mom's house that weekend and just visiting some friends and family. And I wake up, I go into the kitchen, and I look at the clock, and I'm thinking, woah. There's no way. Like, I know I've been sleeping in recently. I haven't been sleeping very good, but I know I've been sleeping in recently, but I know that I did not get up at 9 o'clock.
It's 8 o'clock. I was thinking, this is crazy. And then I look at my phone. I'm like, oh, my phone's right. Their their clock just must be ahead an hour.
And then my sister and my mom go to church, and I look again at my phone because I was gonna go to lunch with a friend. And I'm like, oh my gosh. Wait. I look at the clock again. I'm thinking, oh my gosh.
Wait a second. It's 1. It's 1. I am so late. And then I look at my phone.
I'm like, oh, yeah. That's right. That's right. My phone has the correct time. Their clock doesn't.
And so the day keeps continuing. I then get into my car to drive home that evening, and I'm like, there's no way my ETA says 10:30. I left at 8. I should get home at 9:30. And then I go to the phone.
I'm like, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. That's right.
My phone is the only correct time. Still doesn't hit me at this point. Why is every clock wrong, and I'm still not figuring it out? I don't know. Brain is not working correctly.
And so I get home, and I'm feeding well, actually, I had already fed crew at this point because he was with me. I'm probably getting a snack is what I was probably doing because I'm in the kitchen, and the microwave is off. And I'm like, oh, that's strange. And I looked down at the stove, and it says 10:45. And I'm just thinking, dude, what have I spent the last hour and 15 minutes doing?
Like, it feels like I just got home. What is going on? And then I go to my room, look at my phone. I'm like, oh my gosh. Yeah.
That's right. I forget. My phone is the only correct clock in it. It doesn't ever hit me. I don't even realize it until literally the next day when my sister's like, yeah, daylight savings just killed me because she works very early in the morning.
She works at a cafe in Salt Lake. And I was like, oh my gosh. My entire day. Yesterday now makes sense. It was like living in this weird fever dream that I couldn't figure out, like Groundhog Day, that movie, which I haven't seen since I was, like, 10.
But, yeah, that's how daylight savings went for me. And I'm watching out for all of you, watching out for my seasonal depression girlies. I'm here for you. I never finished last year's seasonal depression. So if you need anybody, I'm here.
I'm always here to talk. And, yeah, let me know if we save the daylight because still wondering still wondering if if we saved it. And on to the next thing, Apple changed their photo album. Is anyone else gonna crash out? It's so overstimulating.
And as we all know, I do social media marketing. And so I work with my photo album constantly with photos and videos and graphics that I edit and sending it over. And I'm just thinking, why it why did we change anything? This is the one thing on Apple that none of us wanted. None of us wanted this.
None of us wanted it. Okay? So why is this happening? Okay. Those are my housekeeping things.
Now we can get into my first solo trip. Now I have traveled solo. I mean, I guess not technically solo, But I've been on my own before. You know, I've met up with people and spent a night on my own. One time, my my sister, mom, and I were in Europe.
We were doing a trip in Bulgaria for my mom's nonprofit, and they lost their passports. And I had to continue on without them to London. So I was in London by myself for a day and a half. And, you know, I've done that kind of thing, but I've never just done a complete solo trip that's meant to be solo. I feel like this one only partially counted because I just rotted in the Airbnb the whole time.
I caught up on sleep, and I just relax, and I had bought the book Loud by Drew. I forget her last name, but I kept seeing good reviews for it. So I bought that in the airport, and I just kind of hung out at the Airbnb. The thing is is I didn't rent a car. That was my very first mistake.
Now I know I should have used Turo and just rented a local's car. It would have only been, I don't know, $75, and I think I spent a $130 on Ubers. Listen. Wasn't even that crazy. I got an Uber from the airport to my Airbnb, which we will get to the Airbnb in a minute because you know which one I picked.
I thought, okay, Hannah. Let's let's do this really cheap. You know, it's already you know, we were paying for a flight. We're paying for the concert tickets, and then we're paying for Ubers. Let's do a cheap Airbnb, which, by the way, I got the concert tickets for or, sorry, ticket for a $100.
That's why I went to Minneapolis is because it was the only venue that hadn't sold out, and it was the only venue that had tickets that cheap. And so I took Frontier, so I think my flight was a 125 round trip, which I will also review Frontier service. But yeah. So I was trying to get the trip done really cheap, and if it would've done the transportation correctly, it would have been a lot better. But, essentially, I took an Uber from the airport to my Airbnb, which was always a big mistake because Uber's to and from the airport.
When I took the Uber okay. I'll get there. I'll get there. So that was, you know, $30 each time I had to go to the airport. But the next day, guess who forgot her deodorant?
I did. I used Dove, the cucumber spray on one, and that thing is huge. It's an aerosol. Aerosol? Aerosol.
And so I couldn't bring it. So I just thought, oh, I'll just make a quick trip to Walmart or Target once I get there. Yeah. That quick trip cost me $8 to Walmart. And then, luckily, it was in the same area as this neighborhood cafe, which best egg sandwich of my life.
If you, for some reason, for any reason at all, ever go to Minneapolis, DM me, and I'll tell you the name. It was called, like, grounds or grounding or something interesting like that. And not even gonna lie, it was the best breakfast sandwich I've ever had in my life. The coffee was delicious, and I got a slice of vegan pumpkin bread or banana bread, basically, to bring with me back to get me through till dinner because I was trying to save monies. You know what I'm saying?
So, anyways, walked, ended up walking from Target to there, which was a little sketch. I mean, I don't know the area, though. It's just it was kind of, like, dark and gloomy and windy and kind of what Logan, Utah is like, you know, in the wintertime. Just kind of cold and chilly and ghost town esque when everyone's hibernating inside on Sundays. And so, yeah, I did that, but I didn't go eat until, I don't know, 2 PM.
So I ate at 2 PM, got that breakfast. Okay. First of all, I traveled. I should just start at the beginning. Why am I not starting at the beginning beginning?
Oh, because I was telling you about how much my Ubers were. Okay. I'll finish with that thought. So, yeah, I took an Uber from the airport to my Airbnb, Airbnb to target, walked to the breakfast place, had to take an Airbnb from the breakfast place back to the Airbnb. And then another Uber from the Airbnb to the concert, and then to the concert back to my place, my place to the airport.
$130 later. By the way, do people tip? Because I tipped all of them. And that's not to say, like, oh my gosh. I tipped all of them.
I'm just wondering, do people tip? Because I actually ended up looking it up on Reddit, which, yep, I'm at that age. I use Reddit now. I do. It's it's nice.
It's a nice forum. You know? It used to be on Facebook that we would do that kind of stuff and Twitter, and I don't know. It's just nice to look up things like that. And it was really mixed reviews, so I don't know.
Do you tip on Uber? I I do, but I think it's because I used to DoorDash. And so I know that it kind of is really you really just make much better money when everyone's tipping even if it's a few dollars. So, anyways, long story short, that's how much the Ubers cost me. But let's talk about the flight there.
Because I went so cheap, my flight was at 8 o'clock. This is your sign to get TSA pre check. It is so cheap. I think it's a $100. That's all.
But time is money, especially when it comes to the airport. And if you have a credit card, a lot of credit card companies will cover the cost of TSA pre check and your world what is it called? Global Entry Pass. So that's why I have that is because Amex covered it, which was really nice. And so, anyways, long story short, I only have to get to the airport half an hour before boarding.
I'm serious. It literally changes the game. I used to get to the airport 2 hours early. Saves you so much time, especially when you have early flights. Okay.
I'm not here trying to sell you stuff, especially after my last episode of literally de influencing you. So, yeah, I get to the airport and I go chill, get on the flight. I had the middle seat, of course, because I didn't pay for a seat. But the guy to the left of me and the lady on the right were so polite. We all just stuck to our space, but I don't know what was going on in my head when I was packing because I did nothing like I normally do.
When I travel, I usually lock in. I'm locked in. I've got my eye mask for the plane. I've got my neck pillow that, as you know, that straps to the headrest so that your head doesn't fall forward. It keeps you in place.
It makes it so your neck doesn't get sore because Frontier seats don't recline. So I was literally just sitting straight up. Thankfully, I was able to sleep. And so, yeah, that was that was a very interesting decision of mine. And I actually think it was the right home that I needed to sleep more because I'm thinking, like, wait.
7 AM isn't that early. The ride home, though, I got to the airport at 4 AM, and that is when I was able to that might have been actually when I had that situation. Sorry. I am literally I should have reviewed, apparently, my weekend. But, yeah, long story short, my layover was in Denver.
Guess how long it was? Was it 4 hours? Was it 5 hours? 6? 7?
No. 8? No. 9? Nope.
10? Yep. Ding ding ding. We've got a winner. 10 hour layover.
That's a record for me. My other one is at the Seoul Airport in Korea, and that one was 8 hours. This was the longest layover I'd ever had. And in my mind, I was like, oh, sick. I'll just go explore Denver.
It's gonna be so dope. I've never been to Denver before. Well, little old me didn't realize, oh, they have snow on the ground. It was currently snowing, and I didn't bring a winter jacket or anything. So I just kind of hunkered down in the airport.
I did get in 10,000 steps because about every 2 hours, I would go and explore. I explored every terminal, and I was actually going to be able to give you a list of which airline was in which terminal. Frontier is in the b gates. Delta is in the a gates, and I'm pretty sure Southwest is in the c gates because that that's what I did, but they had really pretty views. You could literally just sit and watch the runway at almost eye level, and you could watch planes land and take off.
I don't know. Maybe the Salt Lake City Airport has that. I I don't I'm not sure. I don't remember. But it was it was really cool, and it was actually really relaxing.
I think I listened to 5 different podcasts. And this is when I tell you that I have not hit my goal with reading in the least bit. My goal was 60 books. My goal is essentially the same as what I did the last year. So last year, my goal was 50, but I read 60.
So this year, my goal is 6, and I was like, oh, you know, I'll read 70. No problem. I think I've only read 15, but that just goes to show how wild and busy this year has been. And, honestly, I've been listening to just a lot of podcasts for some reason. I don't know what it's been.
I think I've just enjoyed that a lot more. And so, anyways, long story short, bought that book, didn't even start it, and got to my Airbnb at 12:30 in the morning. So that was a wild experience, and it was even more wild because I got the cheapest Airbnb known to man in somebody's house, shared with them and other Airbnb people. Yeah. And it was just in the beginning, I was kind of, like, weirded out because you can just hear people walking above you.
And it's a shared bathroom, so you're, like, sharing the shower and, you know, kinda like a hostel feel, you know, hostel with a private room, I guess. I mean, it was only $50. Actually, I think it was, like, $42 a night, and I stayed 2 nights. So less than a $100, come on. That's better than a cheap hotel with real with a really crappy bed because the bed was really great, and it had a couch in there, a desk.
So I was comfortable hanging out in there the next day, which is kind of what I did. I kinda just relaxed and then got out at 2 o'clock, got breakfast, or I guess midday lunch at that point, and then headed to the concert that night. And when it started to feel a little weird, it was when I was walking up to the concert by myself. Right? And I do this weird thing that I really need to stop doing.
I'll sometimes pretend like I'm on the phone with somebody. Oh my gosh. Why am I telling you this? Sometimes I'll just be like, yeah. Like, I'll see you in a minute because I feel so awkward.
But then I stopped that. After after I was in line and, like, you know, the people around me knew that, you know, I was just meeting someone on the inside. Why do I sound actually crazy? No. That was the weird part.
It's just walking into the concert by yourself because, typically, when you're waiting in line, you're with your friends or your family, and you're you're hyping each other up. You're super stoked. But it was chill. If there's anything you should know about Billie Eilish fans, everyone is so chill. And so that was really nice and really refreshing.
And so I get in, and I go find my seat, and there's these 2 girls to the right of me and then one empty seat to the left of me. And I right off the bat, I say, hi. I'm Hannah. I'm here by myself. I just didn't want them wondering, like, is she here by yourself?
So I just thought I would straight up tell them. And they were super cool. They told me they liked my pants, and they were definitely probably 17 years old. And so, yeah, it was a good time. Eventually, someone came and sat to the left of me.
It was a mom, and her 2 kids sat in front of her. So that was kinda nice because both of us were kind of, you know, there sitting on our own. So that was cool. And, essentially, I got there at 7 o'clock. Doors opened, I think, at 6.
So I thought, yeah, I'll get there at 7. And what's her name? Who opened? Why did I forget her name? Her name is called, like it starts with a t.
Oh, I have to update you later about it, but she performed. She was great. I got there probably 20 minutes into her performance. Oh, so I must have gotten in there, like, 7:30. But everyone knows well, I guess I shouldn't say that.
Billie Eilish comes out at 8:40, anywhere from 8:35 to 8:40. And so I already knew that because, again, your girl's on Reddit. And so I just hung out, and I talked to that cutie mom, and we just kinda chilled. This is a game changer that I did do, though. I purchased loop ear plugs or earbuds is probably what I should call them.
This this might age me, but they're for concerts. And it's actually very important to protect your eardrums. It is so important. And the the loudness of concerts can actually cause so much damage, especially if you enjoy going to them all the time. And so I really recommend thinking about getting yourself a pair.
They're only $30, and look at me literally telling you to buy things. Oh my gosh. I wouldn't tell you if it was an essential, and in my mind, this is essential. I've never had them up until this point, but I wish that I did. And going to even cigarettes after sex was really loud, and Hans Zimmer was really loud at certain points.
So that's what made me decide to do it because I thought I am for sure gonna go deaf. Also, when I went to Lil Yachty a year ago, I think it was last October, it was so loud. And I had been recovering from a double ear infection because I always get them when I fly, and I've actually learned if I take a decongestant and, like, a DayQuil kinda thing, it helps me not get ear infections because my ear canals are so small with the pressure in the air. Yeah. Anyways, also, did you hear about the flight from Salt Lake City to Portland?
Okay. This will be really fast. Don't worry. Literally, the air cabin didn't pressurize correctly. And so when they took off, it wasn't pressurizing.
So people literally okay. This is not child friendly. So just so you know, people were bleeding from their ears and their noses because it wasn't pressurizing. Can you the horror. Can you even imagine that?
I could not believe it when I read that. I read that after I got home, thankfully, but it happened, I think, a week before my flight. And it was from Salt Lake City to Portland, and it was on a Delta flight too, which is crazy. So something must have been wrong with the plane. Seems to be a trend that keeps happening.
And so, yeah, that was wild. Anyways, when I went to Lil Yachty, I thought that same thing. I was like, Hannah, you are going to go deaf. And I have even had to change the settings on my phone to not allow me to raise the volume of my phone too loud, which if you haven't done that, do it. Because at this point, I think it's as loud as a concert or as an ambulance if you haven't adjusted it.
And you can adjust it down to, like, the sound of a motorcycle or the sound of a car honk so that when you don't when you're in the gym, right, and you just need more you need more I'm sorry. Just squeaking over here. When you just need more energy and you keep, like, turning up your headphones, it won't allow you to turn it up past what you set it to, but it'll you'll still feel like it's up all the way because it'll show that it's up all the way. Does that make sense? So, anyways, long story short, 2025 is the year that we're protecting our eardrums and our hearing because it's important, and I'm so glad I did it.
The reason why is that these loop ear plugs or ear whatever the heck I called them, They still allow sound to come through really clearly, but they bring the decibels down by, I think, 17 to 20 or something like that. You can buy more expensive loop ones that I think do, you know, 25 to 50 decibels, but I I was still able to hear everything really clearly. I got the gold one. So, you know, they were, like, cute and you just twist them and put them in your ear. 10 out of 10.
Okay. So, Hannah, how was the concert? Well, I died a 1,000 deaths. She was just incredible. You know, I was born to be your soulmate, forced to be your fan.
No. I'm just kidding. But she has gotten me this is gonna be so corny. She's gotten me through some of the lowest moments in my life, but we will get to that. We'll get to that later.
What she opened with was Chihiro, which is a song that when I heard that song, when she dropped her album, I listened to it when I was in Bulgaria at, like, 12 in the morning. I saw that she had dropped, and I just put in my headphones and listened to her album 2 times straight through. Went to bed at, like, 2 o'clock in the morning. It was incredible. And then the music video, I just thought this is oh my gosh.
It was just so it was perfect. And she opened with that, and it was just everyone was so excited. I've never been in a crowd that's that hyped. And I know and I'm not saying I don't know. Because if you go to a Travis Scott concert, it's gonna just be insane because there's a bunch of feral teenage boys everywhere.
You know what I'm saying? But I don't know. I just feel like by the way, this is gonna be really I'm gonna go I'm gonna go in on the fandom of Billie Eilish. Okay? Because I am right there in the middle.
And it was just so amazing because I don't know if you've ever seen interviews of her or the way she interacts with her fans, but she's not she's not doing the Chapel Rohn thing of I just hate my fans and all that jazz, which I understand because Chapel Rohn was just kinda thrown into it, and she blew up overnight. And so she's having a really hard time balancing that. Same thing with Justin Bieber, and he was dealing with a bunch of other crap, which we can talk about the whole Diddy thing later if you guys are interested in that. But I, because she kind of grew up, I feel like with her fans and from such a young age, she has been in this, and she's had the support of her brother kind of guiding her along the way. She really is so genuine with her love and care for her fans.
And so it's just this really I don't know. It was just a really beautiful, beautiful thing and special thing, and she did all my favorite songs, all of them. And, obviously, TV was really powerful, which TV is actually a song that I have loved ever since she dropped it in 2022, and it's just really blown up over the last year. And let me see what other songs. I'm gonna tell you all the songs all the songs that she played.
It was just it was so it was so good. I I could not believe it. Essentially okay. She basically played almost every single song off of Hit Me Hard and Soft, but she did do so many of her original songs. She did bad guy, happier than ever, NDA, copycat, what was I made for, Hailey's comment, getting older, and ocean eyes.
Amazing. Just beautiful. Bury a friend, bellyache, everything I ever wanted, Birds of a Feather, the Greatest Blue Chihiro, Lamour de Mavi, lunch. She did, Guess. Right?
That's the one with Charlie xdx. Right? So, yeah, it was absolutely amazing, and she did talk a lot and shared things. And she was just so wonderful. I'm so I'm so sorry.
But I think that the reason why I just love her so much I mean, I've been listening to her since since she dropped her very first song. You know, 2016, 2017, when she dropped her first album, I've watched every vanity interview as they've come out every single year since 2017, and I remember watching them and just feeling so sad for her because she has struggled so much with depression and and, I guess, trigger warning now. We're gonna be talking about sad things. But just suicidal ideation and self harm and all of these things, and I even though she's younger than me, I've related to her in so many ways with her interviews of just this is so dark, but of just not wanting to be alive and constant depression and saying that she can't handle it and handling it through music and pushing that out through her songs was so relatable for me because I saw myself in her so much. I saw, you know, at that time when she was dropping her first album, I wasn't necessarily in that place at that time, but I just validated so much of my feelings growing up and in middle school and high school, and it was just really validating.
And when you have little sisters, you worry about them every day. They're always at the forefront of your mind. Right? And you love them so much, and you just want them to be okay, and you care about them. And for me, it kind of ends up translating to other women who are younger than me of just rooting for them, knowing that life isn't easy.
And all of the hard things that you go through as a woman, as a human being, especially when you struggle with mental health. And I just always felt for her that way. And then, you know, going through the things I've gone through in the last few years and her coming out with music. And I don't know. It's just been so validating.
And when you feel like you can't talk to people, you know, whether it's your parents when you're growing up or your friends about what you're going through and you just feel so unrelatable, honestly. Music is the way that I felt was able to feel my emotions and the way that I was kind of able to heal and to feel validated and heard. And so it's been so instrumental for me. And, yeah, that might sound corny. That's okay.
But you just never ever know the silent struggles that someone's going through. And I feel like she really encapsulates that. What is that word? I just feel like she really she says all that. She says it all, and her lyrics are so intentional.
And sometimes they're really dark and but that's what makes them relatable. And I don't know. I just have really, really aligned with her on that, and I've, like, really rooted for her. You know? I mean, I think I'm I think she's, what, 22?
And I'm I'm, like, 26 or 27. I keep forgetting this because for a minute, I was like, yeah. I'm almost 28. I'm almost 28. And then I was like, wait a second, Hannah.
Stop saying that. You're you're 27. Relax. Yeah. I'm 27.
So even though I'm 5 years older than her, it was kind of like, you know, I'm always rooting for her. And, you know, then she got into adulthood and she has had good times and bad times. I think I've said how her album happier than ever, she didn't love it. Her and Phineas were not very proud of it, and it actually threw them into a really deep rut over the last year or 2. And so hit me hard and soft was what she and Finneas are so proud of.
And in my opinion, it is like, one of the best albums ever made. It really is. And so yeah. Anyway, sorry to be really corny, but it's kind of what Hans Zimmer said. And I I posted it on my unrelatable podcast account when I made that post about, like, a recap of September that I made later on after the hurricane.
And I think it's the very last slide. And what Hans Zimmer said, he just said that music is medicine. And I feel that, and I bet a lot of you guys do too. But I just feel like she's brought a lot of healing to people. And, you know, a lot of people have actually grown up with her, and now a lot of her fans are younger than her, and she's kind of this role model of a strong woman who was able to make it through through that.
I mean, she didn't it's not like she I don't know. It's not like she I think a lot of people think that she what are my thoughts, that she is, what is it called when you have rich parents and you just are given an easy path in life? I think her parents were middle class, and her parents were married, and they loved her. And that's really the key to everything, right, is to have parents that are happy, are happily married and can support you. And she had her brother, but it didn't change the struggles that she went through and her mental health.
And I just think that that's really relatable, and I don't know. I think that she's just someone that really deserves her fame, and she really deserves I think she has 7 Grammy nominations. I feel like every word that I'm saying today is wrong. Nominations. Right?
Yeah. Okay. She's 7 7 Grammy nominations. Her and Phineas have been awarded so many things of being the youngest artists to hit so many different awards, and it's just really motivating and inspiring. And I don't know.
I just I think that she's really awesome, and you're like, yeah, Hannah. I know. I saw her in 2021. It was so great. Even though it was her album that she didn't love as much, she did so great, and she's just such a good performer.
And that's why I was like, I need to see I need to see hit me hard and soft live. I have to see her performance because it is like her sole project. And it's actually her first time doing it without Phineas. This is her first tour without Phineas because he is now touring as well. Our baby is touring.
I actually don't know how old he is, but, yeah, he sings really cute love songs, and he has a song called family feud. And it's really cute, and he just talks about, like, I'm I'll always look after you. And, like, you're my little sister. It is so cute. I'm gonna cry.
Okay. No. I won't. Maybe one day, I'll do an episode on artists that I listen to each year in my teens and adult life because I actually keep track of them. I make a playlist for every year of my life, and they all usually reflect something that was happening in life and the way I was feeling.
And I guess his music his music typically dies. You're like, wow, Hannah. That is pretty pretty revolutionary, I might say. But, no, I think that would be a cool a cool episode. But yeah.
So that's pretty much my my conclusion of the Billie Eilish concert. If you can go, go. 1000%. I think she still has 10 shows left. I think she's performing several shows in LA, several in Denver.
I think she's done about 2 shows in every single location because she did sell out. So if you do have the opportunity, I would go. It's wonderful. I don't know. Maybe you're not as big of a maybe maybe you're just like this.
Hannah, I'm listening to this because I have nothing else to do today. And for that, I say thank you. And, actually, it'll be worth it if you stay to the end. Okay? Because I'm gonna tell you about some unreleased Billie Eilish songs.
Alright? But okay. Now moving on to some random crap that we haven't talked about that we used to talk about in the past. Young thug was released. So that's great.
I remember we did an entire episode dedicated to talking about him and how his lyrics were being used against him in the court system, which is actually wild. I mean, have any of you ever listened to M and M? And, like, you know what I'm saying? How how would that be? I don't know.
Just documenting that as evidence. And is that lawful? I don't know. So we talked about that in the episode. But yeah.
So we'll have to get into that further another time. Also, if you want me to talk about the whole Diddy situation, we can. I've also touched on that in the past weekly Friday recap. Kendrick Lamar, his, like that was nominated for a Grammy as well. Remember last year, we talked about the Grammys back in February, which yeah.
Let me know if you want coverage because the Grammys are gonna be this February, and I hope Billie Eilish wins every single category. She also Taylor Swift was also nominated, of course, but I will throw hands if they give her another one. I'm I'm so sorry, but I will. Mhmm. Sorry.
I understand. I understand. I do, actually, because I listened to, like, 1 or 2 songs of hers the other day, and I was like, yeah. These are cutie. But, like, come on.
Do they take you never mind. I was gonna say, do they take you on an emotional journey? And, like yeah. I'm sure they do. Because, obviously, why else do people listen to her?
She's great. She's great. I just hope that she someone else gets an opportunity to win. K. Sorry.
Please don't hate me for saying that. So, yeah, Kendrick LaVrar, that's what I was talking about any before, he is headlining the Super Bowl performance. I'm pretty sure he did it, what, 2 years ago, or he was a part of it 2 years ago when all of the rappers and OG rappers came out and performed doctor Dre and whatnot. Am I getting that wrong? Did I make this up?
I think he's headlining the Super Bowl. And so that'd be cool. The next thing of note of which I told you about was the 3rd book to 4th wing is coming out, onyx storm, January 25th. And Rebecca Yaris actually put out a 3 page or maybe this is like a 2 page, not even a spoiler. I think it literally happens at the beginning of the next book, but it's to give you context into kind of what it's gonna be about.
And I really hope that she took the time. Okay. If you haven't read 4th Wing, let me tell you why it's so popular. Well, first of all, it's because there's a little bit of smut in it. Alright?
But it's not a smut well, I don't wanna say it's not a smut book. Technically, smutty books are books that are only about sex, and this one isn't. It's not. It's about dragons. It's about, you know, like, fighting.
It's about everyone's rolling their eyes right now. They're like, I only read it for Zaden. No. It is it's a great book, and I love dragons. So it's actually just throwing me back to, you know, my middle school Aragon book reading days, and I love it.
So, anyways, there's 4th wing, iron flame. Onyx Storm is the 3rd. As you know, I didn't love iron flame. I felt like she rushed it. I felt like it was just annoying.
I felt like one of the characters was annoying the entire time, but can't complain when there's more context to a story that you like. You know what I mean? I just hope that Rebecca took a little bit more time to write it, not me giving her advice. Yeah. Because of all of my 14 published books that I wrote, as you all know, I'm an author, very successful author.
So send her my podcast. Maybe she'll get inspired to spend a little bit more time. No. It's just frustrating when you're reading a book series, and the first one is so good. You get to the second one, and there's so many details about the most trivial things.
Just conversation after conversation. I get it if you're building, you know, the world, but the world's the world's been built. The world has been built. And I also understand if you were getting into politics because I don't know if you read the series Red Rising. It got a little violent for me, so I stopped after the second or third book.
I forget which one. But there's a lot of political talk, and, of course, that has to happen. Right? Same thing with Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson's series. There's gonna be politics, and you're gonna have to get into that at some point.
But it was just kind of a lot in a lot of stuff that you didn't even really need to know. And then it's like the big events just happen so fast. Whereas in the past, it was like, wait a second. How did how did we get here so quickly? It should have been another 200 pages, in my opinion, of describing the more intricate scenes that should have been more intricate.
Kinda like how we all felt about the season finale or, I guess, season a of Game of Thrones, which if you haven't watched it, you should. You can watch it on VidAngel. It'll cut out everything you don't wanna see, and I highly suggest it. It is A lot of you are probably like, Hannah, fantasy? Why?
I'm serious right now. Okay? It's literally I think I think breaking bad is the number one most popular TV show in the world. This is number 2. It might be over friends.
No. I'm just kidding. I I might have to take that back. But it is so good, and that says a lot because I have a really hard time with horror, thriller, with wars, with violence, with anything along that line. It's really I'm not saying everyone loves to watch that kind of stuff.
But for some reason, my sensitivity is extremely high. It'll keep me up for days. I will not be able to stop thinking about it. It interrupts my thought patterns and interrupts my life. I can't just turn off the show and be like, wow.
That was great. That was a real thriller. The last scary movie I watched was what is it called? It starts with a c, and it's an actual horror movie. It's like the paranormal one.
What is it called? The conjuring. Oh my gosh. I watched that back when Caden was going to Utah State for a semester, and I think I was in, yeah, I was in high school still. That was the last time.
That was wait. Is that a lie? That might be a lie. No. I think we tried to watch Bird Box.
Terrible. Would never recommend. A lot of these horror movies also need to have trigger warnings. Sorry. They do.
They need to have trigger warnings so you know what you're getting into. Even if you don't want it to be spoiled, I guess then I should just look it up on Google, which is what I do. Like, the movie Get Out, did any of you watch that that horror movie Get Out? I will kind of just watch YouTube reviews of them because everyone's talking about them, and I wanna know what's going on. And I'm just too it it ramps up my anxiety so high as to where I like, it's almost like I will just implode into darkness.
I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I need to, like, get stronger. Jeez. So yeah.
Anyways, I forgot what I was saying. Oh, Game of Thrones. So there's, like, wars and battles and whatnot. I always close my eyes. That's just what I do.
Close my ears. Close my eyes. And, VidAngel also helps out with that, but I don't think VidAngel cut out all of the violence. But, yeah, I would suggest it because, as you know, house of the dragon is the newest series, and I know everyone hates it. You hate it because there's only 2 seasons.
Okay? And the second season was a preview for the 3rd. Yeah. I won't spoil why that is. But yeah.
So that's pretty much all of my catching up that I wanted to do today. I oh, the songs of the week. Okay. If you made it to the end, then I I'll tell you. We have an unreleased Billie Eilish album.
No. I'm just kidding. It's not an entire album, but it is called the X Files, and it is 6 songs on SoundCloud. Some of them are covers, but some of them are just her songs. And then there are 2 other Billie Eilish songs.
1 is with Drake. Yeah. I don't really listen to Drake much anymore. I like the old Drake, but it's like the old Drake. It came out several years ago.
I don't know why they never released it. I'm sure Drake wanted to. I think I think Billie has good intuition about people. I don't know. I just feel like she she was conscious about that decision, but it's on SoundCloud.
And that one is called Blind Faith. Blind Faith. Look it up with Billie Eilish and Drake. The second song is called bad company, and they're a bit different from our usual. And, you know, of course, that one's a collab, which she rarely features anyone on her songs.
And there's 6 other ones, but just DM me if you want those, and I'll send it to you. It's not to gatekeep them. I just don't want the episode to be a 1000000 hours long, and I'm just telling you each individual song to to look up. But, yeah, so that's technically songs of the week. Let me see if I have any more, in my favorites because I have been finding a lot of new music If you really wanna know, I've been listening to Paramore for the first time ever.
Decode. Yeah. It's I've been listening to Evanescence. Yeah. It's been it's been a mood.
Okay. This is my next favorite song, next song of the week. It's called or sorry. Beats of the week. Hannah, what are you doing?
I know. Sorry. I've been out of practice. Okay? The next beats of the week is All I Need by Radiohead.
I know I might be a 1000 years late to Radiohead, but look up that song, All I Need. I know. Even if you even if you think that you don't like them, look it up. It is really good. Really, really good.
Alright. The next one is I have a lot. I have a lot of really good songs. When the Party's Over by Billie Eilish, of course. I don't know.
I just feel like that album was my other favorite one. So hit me hard and soft, and then when we all fall asleep, where do we go? I just really like those 2. And I think that's just gonna conclude. That's gonna conclude today.
I will make sure to do more weekly Friday recaps if that is something that you guys enjoy. So please let me know because, listen, at the end of the day, I just it is more work, and I enjoy it if people wanna listen to it. But if it's just something where it's like, no. I'd rather just have your Thursday episodes, then I would love to know that. So give me some feedback.
And I'm trying to get to 30 reviews by the end of the year. So we have a month and a half. So if you haven't yet, I would really appreciate if you rated my podcast on Spotify. Literally, it takes not even a second. I'll bet you that.
All you do is click on the podcast rate, and then it's just, you know, 5 stars if you enjoy it. And then grab your friend's phone. Grab your husband or wife's phone. Grab their phone and do it from their phone too. I would say I'm just kidding, but I'm not.
Yeah. So thank you so much for listening to today's episode of the Unrelatable podcast. I hope you have the most wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
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