The Unrelatable Podcast

WFR! The Crazy World of Celebrities

June 28, 2024 Episode 49

Drake is no where to be seen, Billie Eilish has hopped to #3 most listened to on Spotify, and the Cyrus family is falling apart. Join me for updates in the world of celebrities and an update on Young Thug's Trial that we talked about back in December.

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Hi. Hello. And welcome back to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. And guess what today is? Today is our weekly Friday recap.

Oh, my gosh. I think it's been over a month since we've done one of these because, you know, been out of town, haven't been able to record any weekly Friday updates. And so today, we are, of course, going to be doing our monthly weekly Friday recap of the craziest pop culture events that happened in the month of June. Now there have been so many updates, and I don't even know how we're gonna get to everything today but we're going to try. So with that, welcome back to the Unrelatable podcast.

So something happened while I was sitting in Bulgaria and that was Billie Eilish. Billie Eilish dropped her newest album. I know I know that this happened weeks weeks ago, but we have to talk about it because for months, I was telling you I could not wait for it to happen. And our girl, she climbed the ranks. She is literally at number 3 in the world and hit over 100,000 monthly listeners.

So we're proud of her. We're proud of our girl, and I just really felt like it was amazing. I love it. I'm in love with her. I don't think I'm the only one.

I just think she is incredible. And so I wanted to talk about my favorite top four songs off of her newest album because, honestly, her entire album is amazing, but I have to say the very first one that caught my eye, caught my ear is Chihiro by Billie Eilish, obviously. Geez, don't need to say it twice. But this is based off of the show Spirited Away, and I've actually not seen it. But I have watched many YouTube videos about the background of it.

And it's just really cool because she improvises so much of her music. And in these interviews, she'll talk about how she was just sitting there. They were listening to the music, and then she just starts singing different lyrics and finds what works. And I don't know, I love it. I love the way that the tune changes.

I love the way that they just do the entire thing. And I really was trying to kind of place her music thinking, okay, what genre is this? Because, yeah, I would say Birds of a Feather is more pop, but I don't feel like her music is generally in the genre of pop. I think that alternative is kind of what I'm landing on because she has a lot of blues inspired beats. She doesn't fit into just pop, you know, pop is upbeat and keeps usually the same rhythm during most of the song.

And I feel like I hear a lot of blues. I feel like there's some r and b in there, and it doesn't shout Ariana Grande or Ed Sheeran because I feel like a lot of times pop music is heavily produced, which is not a bad thing at all. But I definitely think that Billie Eilish a lot of her songs are like this where it doesn't just follow one tune, and there's not just multiple of the same chorus. It changes, and it's a story, and it takes you along on this journey. And I don't know.

You know, some of our songs could probably be described as alternative pop. But for the most part, I feel like it's more experimental, and I can't stop listening to it. You know, it has nineties, 2000s trances in it. It's amazing. I love the bridges.

You know, she has this weaving of the melodies throughout her music. And with Blue, you know, the song Blue is, I would say, my number 2 favorite. That one, they actually balance both of those. I'm like, they're both number 1 for me. And it has a lyric from every single song in the album to kind of tie up the album in a nice little bow.

And I thought that that was really cool. So if you haven't noticed that yet, which I'm sure everyone has by now, because I am really late to talking about this. But yeah, in her song Blue, she sings one lyric from every song. It's the last song on the album. And one thing that I started doing several years ago, and I think I did this when The Weeknd dropped his album, which album was it?

I think it was Star Boy or After Hours. And you're supposed to listen to it from the very first song through to the last song. Always listen to albums in that manner because they're usually telling a story. And And I'm sure all of all of you guys already know this, but a lot of times songs on an album, they're placed in the order on purpose. It's usually purposeful.

And so I thought it was really cool how Blue really just tied together the whole album and tied together her thoughts from every song. And I'm just addicted. I'm addicted to the album, addicted to her, love her. I would say my 3rd favorite one is Bittersweet. That one is really cool.

And then after that, I would have to say, I like the rest of them all pretty similar. Oh, oh, wait. Sorry. No. 4th one has to be the greatest.

I really like that one too. In fact, all those 4 are really hard to pick between, but I really love them. And if anyone wants to fly to Atlanta, Georgia with me and go to a Billie Eilish concert, I am 110% down to do it because I've looked up tickets in Nashville, which is the closest location to myself. They're sold out. Boston is sold out.

DC, I'm pretty sure sold out. And I'm just really dying to go, you know, I saw her Happier Than Ever tour. And she is the most incredible performer I have ever seen. I have to say that. It was absolutely amazing.

And the tickets I think are around 150 to 180. And then, you know, round trip tickets to Atlanta. So if anyone is down, let me know because my man is already joining me on 2 concerts this fall that I am making him come with me to. I'm making him come with me to Hans Zimmer. We're seeing him live.

I'm very excited about it. He is the Mozart of our time, in my opinion. And then we're going to Cigarettes After Sex the very next night. I could not be more excited. So I need somebody else because he is being dragged to so many concerts, and he has to work sometimes.

Okay. So the next thing I wanted to talk about, we're gonna keep it along the lines of artists, Sean Kingston. You guys remember Sean Kingston? Somebody called 911, right? Isn't that our guy?

Now I'm doubting everything. Isn't that it? We got a fire burning on the dance floor. He came to Utah State University and performed when I was in, like, middle school, and I went. Oh my gosh.

I was so stoked. Anyways, guess who got arrested for committing over $1,000,000 worth of fraud? Sean Kingston, baby. He literally got arrested for that. Can you believe that?

And who did he do it with? Who was his right hand partner? His mama. His mama and him, they were charged with committing more than $1,000,000 worth of fraud. Come on, man.

Come on, you do not need to do that. You don't need to do that. So basically what happened was his mansion in Florida was raided by the SWAT team, And when I was actually doing research into this, he is does not have a very good record. In fact, he's been arrested for 3rd Degree SA at a concert way back in 2011. So, yeah, our guy is not our guy.

And to be honest, I can't really remember the last time I listened to a Sean Kingston song, but it's just too bad. He stole jewelry, a Cadillac Escalade, and a bed. This custom bed was valued at $86,000 Can you believe that? Isn't that crazy? He's also written bad checks and has stolen other property.

And so, yeah, it's just too bad. It's too bad. Maybe he will learn, maybe he won't. Okay. Next update in the pop world, the world of celebrities is I am really, really sad to have missed this.

But you know, you guys know, you've been keeping up on the Kendrick and Drake beef. Really, it's Drake is no longer relevant. He's no longer relevant. Everybody that had Drake in their top five of their Spotify listening charts, make sure that you fix that before the end of the year. Because I know I wouldn't want to be caught having Drake in my top five.

No, I'm just kidding. So essentially what happened is Kendrick held a concert on June 18th. And it was a pop out concert called Ken and Friends. And let's just say, Hannah's ready to pick up. I'm ready to pick up, move to California right now.

I am ready to go. So he had this concert in Inglewood, and he had so many guests. You guys are not even gonna going to believe it. So he had Ty Dollar Sign, Steve Lacey, Tyler the Creator, Roddy Ricch, YG. He even got Schoolboy Q, Absol, J Rock and Doctor.

Dre up on the stage. Ask me what I've been listening to while I do cardio the past few days. Oh, yeah. I've just been watching his concert live on YouTube on my phone. I am psychotic.

Yeah, I really have actually enjoyed doing my cardio while watching concert performances of songs that I normally listen to during cardio. Call me crazy. But when you're actually watching the artist perform it and stuff, and you see the crowd, there's so much more energy. And when I am not very high in energy for my cardio, that helps a lot. But you could say that I am absolutely so sad over missing that.

But yeah, I have a few things to say to you. Happy Juneteenth. Also, happy summer solstice. That was exactly 7 days ago. And then next week is the 4th July.

So happy 4th July. I haven't decided if I'm going to be releasing an episode on the 4th yet. We will just have to see. But another update with Kendrick and Drake well, not really with Drake because he has disappeared from the face of the earth. But Kendrick has been shooting the Not Like Us music video where he's hired police and, I would say guards?

Guards? Security officers? What are they called? Just basically people to protect him, right? And while they're shooting this music video.

Anyways, do you guys know who Bobbie Aldhoff is? She's the host of The Really Good Podcast. And essentially, she had all of these podcast episodes that were popping off last year. And everyone was wondering, okay, how was she getting all of these guest podcast hosts? And she got Drake.

So her podcast really popped off with her interview with Drake, because they were essentially, like, sitting in bed, fully clothed, but, like, with the covers up at their waists. And they were kind of flirting a little bit. And I remember seeing it at the time and thinking, okay, Bobbie, aren't you married, girl? Like, what is going on here? If like, I could not even imagine doing something like that for my podcast while married.

Anyways, can't judge anything. They ended up getting divorced. And it's sad because I think she has a child under 1. Anyways, none of that. None of that matters.

Essentially, what happened is something happened between her posting her interviews with Drake. And a few days later, I think it was Drake basically copyrighted the whole thing. So he had made sure to include a song in the interview so that he could copy copyright it. Copyright? Copy strike it.

Oh, my gosh. What are my words? And she essentially removed the whole interview, removed any trace of him from her page. So a lot of people speculated that they have an affair? Did they this?

Did they flirt? Was her husband upset? Because it was really flirtatious, from what I remember, at least. And nobody knows. But essentially, Kendrick has been rallying up, you know, everyone that is not pro Drake, obviously.

And so who was seen on the set of the Not Like Us music video? Balbi, Alda. She was seen on set and I just think that that is so funny. It has gone so deep. And I am stoked to see the music video.

Another thing that happened at his concert, which was really cool, he had the Bloods and the Crips up on stage together. And they were all, like, dancing and rapping. And you just have to, you know, you just have to be amazed because these are moments in history that don't happen very often. And it is a big deal. And it is unifying, you know, it's there's so many reasons why rap exists and hip hop exists.

And I think that's the point is to not let people pose and act like they are a part of a culture where they've never had any experiences that have that have affected them like they have to people that have actually grown up in the culture. Which is why Kendrick told Drake that he is a colonizer, not a colleague. And so yeah. Anyways, I had to I had to say that because I have given Caden so many updates. He's like, Hannah, how do you even?

Why are you even so we had to finish it off here. And so that is the most recent update there. This next one's really sad. Do you guys remember President Snow from Hunger Games? His name is Donald Sutherland, and he just recently passed away.

And even though he was definitely, you know, a scary character in in the books and whatnot. And then the movies, he just seemed like such a kind, gentle person in real life. And so, yeah, just a few days ago, he passed away at his home in Miami, and he actually was struggling with a long term illness. And so, yeah, that's really, really sad. Really unexpected, it sounds like.

And yeah, I don't know. It's just too bad when we see these movie characters. It's weird when we see these actors who played these movie characters that we kind of grew up with, when we see him get older and start to pass away, and it's just, you know, we see the talent and we're able to appreciate it, you know, and they provide that for us and they provide that sort of I don't even want to call it entertainment. I guess it is entertainment. But they provide that character depth because he's not, you know, a good character necessarily in Hunger Games.

And I don't know, it's just really sad when those types of things happen. In fact, the other day, I also have to tell you this. I'm sorry, this is not happy news for just a second. But there was this guy, his name is Tamayo Peri. He was 49 years old, and he was an actor in Pirates of the Caribbean.

I don't know if he did a lot of scenes. I think he was one of the buccaneers, but he'd passed away from a shark attack, which is really sad because he was this extremely world famous surfer, and was also a lifeguard and ended up passing away, losing his life from a shark attack. I've actually I don't know if I'm just on this side of social media, but I've seen so many shark attacks this year. In 2024 alone, there's been 4 attacks in Florida, 2 in Hawaii, one in California, and one in South Carolina. And so that, along with the rip currents, you guys stay safe out there, stay safe in the water.

There's literally been 16 deaths so far this year from rip currents. And I won't give you I won't give you any more details on that because they're really sad, and just be careful, especially on the 4th July. If any of you are going to be at the beach, stay safe, stay aware, and know that when there is a rip current, you don't try to swim back towards shore through the rip current. You let it carry you out. You swim, like, parallel to shore, and then when you can, you go back to shore.

Does that make sense? So you don't ever swim against it or you'll get tired and you will drown. You let it carry you out, swim to the left or the right, and then go back in, because we don't need anything else unnecessary happening. Absolutely no more freak attacks in 2024. Okay?

Okay. We're gonna go back to music because have you guys seen Lana Del Rey? She has emerged, and she has emerged with the one and only Quavo. Now, Hannah, who is Quavo? Quavo is from the Migos.

Okay. Well, who are the Migos? Essentially, they were a hip hop group, and they consisted of Quavo, Takeoff, and Offset. And Takeoff was, unfortunately, murdered back in 2022. It was very, very, very sad, and, obviously, their their group couldn't continue.

And so Quavo is one of those members. Anyways, he has been seen with miss Lana Del Rey, and they did a performance together, which is crazy. They were she got him singing. They were singing, and I think that they're going to be coming out with a song together. It happened at Fenway Park.

I think it was 5 or 6 days ago. And you could just say that Hannah is having all of the all of the what is it called when you're feeling like you're missing out on all of the big concert moments in history? What is that called? Anyways, I'm having that, whatever that may be. And I just feel lucky that we have social media that we can watch these things.

But, yes, it happened in Boston. And just go watch it because it was cute. She's a little cutie. And it just is reminding everyone of when she did that music video with ASAP Rocky, which ASAP Rocky, if any of you were concerned, he is finally dropping an album this August 30th. So keep your eyes and ears out.

Don't worry. I'll probably mention it again. And lastly, we of course have to mention Sabrina Carpenter's Please, Please, Please song. By now, I'm sure you're sick of it, because I am, again, late on reporting this. Hey, I've been out of town.

Okay. But we're back. We're back with our weekly Friday recaps. I thought that that was just the cutest hip hop song. Caden was shocked.

He was like, Hannah, why are you listening to this? This is pop. Did I just call it hip hop? I meant pop. He's like, this is pop.

I said, I know. I know we don't play pop, but we don't have, like, an unsaid rule. We just, I guess, don't typically listen to pop a lot. And so he was just so shocked. And I said, it's just so catchy.

And watch this music video, Caden. Just look at it. So, yeah, besides that, I have to say, if none of you have heard of the artist, Tate McRae, I'm calling I'm calling it. I think she's gonna be like the next Britney Spears. She can dance.

She can sing. She is hot. I really think that she's gonna be one of the next really big pop stars. And so, yeah, I think that she has good music too. Nothing that I listen to super consistently.

But I recently finished The Memoir by Britney Spears. And I don't know. I just feel like she's very Britney Spears coded in the performing talent type of way. And I actually I'm going to say I wasn't extremely impressed by Britney Spears' memoir. And I have a hard time because I usually rate my books on Goodreads, which is an app that you can use to track your books and find new books to read, whatever else.

And her book is called The Woman in Me, and it was definitely interesting reading about her life. But it kind of felt childish, like kind of childish childish writing. And I hate to say that because she has had a terrible life. She's been through hell and back, and I could not imagine being locked up for all of my thirties. But I definitely think it was kind of like reading a little girl's journal, and it was really hard to connect with her super well.

And honestly, it felt obviously biased, right? But it kind of felt like, alright, she's gonna get back at everyone that ever wronged her and hear her opinions of everybody in her life. And I don't know. I guess, is that what a memoir is? I don't think so.

Because I also read the book Down the Drain by Julia Fox. And if you are going to read one memoir this year, it should be that one. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars. Do know do know that it is definitely an explicit read. She had an extremely difficult childhood and teenage life, as well.

But I definitely think that you can learn a lot from her from her book. And I liked the way that she wrote. I think that she is a really fun, celebrity. Honestly, I didn't really know a lot about her before reading her book down the drain. But when it came out, I heard all the rage about it.

And I put it on my waitlist. And I finally got it. I finally got it. So I listened to that. I really enjoy listening to books, by the way, if they're memoirs, because typically memoirs are read by the author.

So another good memoir is Greenlights Greenlight by Matthew McConaughey. I really liked that one. I listened to it because he reads it. And I'm trying to think if there's any other books that I would recommend because might as well talk about that. Right?

We are we are recapping our month, and I have to say, don't read don't read The Witch Collector or Powerless. Those are both a waste of time. That is all. That is all I'm going to say. Okay.

So the next thing that I had on my list of news is that over 30 cyber trucks have been vandalized. Someone wrote f Elon on all of them. And I think how much do those cyber trucks run for? I think a cyber truck is like what? $80,000 Let me look it up really quick.

Okay. They start at 60, and, oh, my gosh. You're not going to believe this. So the rear wheel drive truck starts at 60,000. The all wheel drive motor or model starts at 80,000, and then the cyber beast model is priced at 99,000.

Could you believe having a truck that's called a cyber beast? I just feel like nope. I feel like it's a joke. I feel like I'm clocking out of the I'm sorry to say it, I'm clocking out of Elon Musk's cars, and I'm going to admit I have 1. I drive a Tesla model 3, and I learned some really terrible things about the car that I've been driving for the last year and a half.

And I I had no idea. I can tell you with the utmost honesty and certainty that I had no idea that Teslas are made with the efforts of the cobalt mines in Congo, which is essentially okay. If none of you know about the cobalt mines in Congo, I'm going to tell you I had no idea. I had no idea about any of it. But essentially, it's modern day slavery and it's child labor.

It's child forced labor. And that is what is powering our rechargeable cars. That is what is powering electric vehicles, smartphones, and computers. And, you know, obviously, I'm not gonna get rid of my smartphone. But I thought that by getting a Tesla, I would be doing the world good by, you know, not using gas and not putting gas into the air.

But there's no such thing as there's no such thing. There are extremely dangerous working conditions for all of these people mining. They're working in literally these subhuman degrading conditions, hacking at the earth to gather cobalt in order to in order to fuel these vehicles. It's toxic to touch. It's toxic to breathe.

So 1,000, 100 of 1000 of these Congolese people are touching it, breathing it. You have mothers with babies strapped to their backs, breathing in this dust. And I didn't know any of this, and I started doing my actually, didn't even start doing my research. It just came up. And so I just really can't support that.

And I Caden, for months, has been trying to talk me to into getting rid of it because he has been really worried about how the Tesla is essentially a microwave. Right? So it's just this battery that is running, and you're in it the whole time. And he's like, I feel like we're in a microwave. And who knows what these electromagnetic, currents are doing for us.

Like, we we don't even sleep with our phones next to our bed because of I don't know. We're just worried about that kind of thing. Might not even be real. In fact, feel free to DM me if it's not, because we're always open to learning more. But we don't even do that, and Caden won't even use Bluetooth headphones anymore, which I I still use Bluetooth headphones, and that's probably not gonna end anytime soon.

But it you know, there there's been lots of people that have come out being like, yeah. I didn't have continual headaches or migraines until I got my Tesla, and I've been driving it for 6 months. And now I have these chronic migraines. Like, what are the health issues that can come from driving around in an electric vehicle? And so it's just really something to think about, and it's really something to, you know, consider because, yeah, I I had kind of just been like, no, Caden.

That is not something I struggle with. You know? I haven't struggled with any, you know, headaches. I don't think I'm sensitive to, you know, electromagnetic fields, and I just really the thing that really switched it for me was that I can't believe how they're made. I thought they were sustainable.

I thought they were ethical, and they're not. And I don't really want to be representing that. I don't really want to be supporting that. And so, yeah, I still have it. But as soon as we have, you know, 2 minutes that are free, we're going to list it and sell it.

And so, yeah, what was the other reason why Kaden wanted to get rid of it? Oh, we do a lot of road trips. So I'm gonna say it is not a very practical car for us to have because Kaden drives a truck. And so it's either the truck or the Tesla. And so neither of those are very practical.

And I just when once I saw that, once I once I started learning about how how it's made and how these electric vehicles are created. I just decided, you know what? For myself, I'm going to get rid of this. And this is not me being here saying, oh, yeah. If you have 1 or if you want to get 1, then don't get it.

But this is just me sharing the news and information of things that I just didn't know. Because I I try to stay updated with current events, but not really depressing things, which in fact, I am sorry for telling you several sad things today. I feel like today, yeah, I've told you about the sharks and the rip currents and president Snow, but there's, I guess, just things that have happened. I don't know. And, yeah, I try not to have my life be filled with tons of negative energy and news constantly.

But when things are happening in the world that are making an impact on people's living circumstances, I don't really wanna be a part of that, and I already know that the car is already made. Like, maybe you could just say the damage is already done, but I just don't want to represent that as I'm driving around. Does that make sense? I don't know. It might not, and that's okay.

It is something where I'm going to miss the speed because I'm gonna be honest, it's fast. And I never had a fast car before this. In fact, I drove a Prius before this. And then before that, I had a 90 7 Corolla. And so this is really one of the very first cars that I've had that has been enjoyable to drive.

I never understood Caden's love for cars that are enjoyable to drive until I got this one because it is quick, and it is fun, but definitely doesn't feel good on the conscious anymore. Okay. Let's get back into mind numbing random drama because that's essentially what these pop culture updates are, right? Okay. So we are going to dive in to Miley Cyrus's family drama.

Have you heard anything about this? It is pretty in-depth. And so essentially, what happened is in August, sorry, April of 2022, Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish got divorced, and they both pretty quickly started having relationships with other people. And Miley and Noah, they kind of started choosing sides. It was really obvious in who they would post pictures with and all these things.

And so they essentially said, you know, our our relationship has been over for a long time. We're turning the page, all that kind of stuff. But then Tish got remarried. Who did she marry? She married the Prison Break actor, Dominic Purcell.

I don't know him. But I'm just giving you the tea in case you do. So she married him in August of 2023. And everyone was, like, wait a second. You they're getting married at Miley Cyrus's house or in her beautiful home or outside of her home, whatever.

You get the point. Why is Noah and Brayson? Is that how you say his name? Brayson? Why are her 2 kids, Noah and Brayson, not there?

Well, it is reported that Noah was actually seeing Dominic Purcell before her mom started dating him. So this guy was, you know, casually seeing Noah, but then goes after her mom, and then marries her mom. And so Noah's, like, obviously uncomfortable or pissed. But, yeah, so that was really interesting. And it's kind of been rumored that maybe Noah wasn't invited to the wedding because they didn't want drama.

Who knows? Who freaking knows? But that is something that is crazy. So let's rewind. April 2022, Tish Cyrus files for divorce from Billy Ray Cyrus.

In September 22 of that same year, Noah drops a song and calls her dad her hero. So she's essentially picking her dad, right? Picking her dad's side. And around the same time, he gets engaged to this woman named Fire Rose. So this feels like it's not even real life.

So this is all within 1 year. He gets engaged, and then that next year, Tish, Cyrus marries Dominic Purcell with only a few of her kids present in Miley Cyrus's backyard in her beautiful Malibu location. So then in the in that same month, Miley Cyrus says that her and her dad have a wildly different relationship to fame and success. And she kind of talks about it, in these comments that she made on her Hulu special. She said, my dad grew up the opposite of me.

I grew up on a soundstage, like, in a house with a family that was super close and all lived under the same roof. And I grew up financially stable and emotionally stable. I think in my relationships also. That's something my dad didn't have. Then she expanded that Billy Ray had a much different experience with fame, and she said, I think that's where me and my dad's relationship to fame success is wildly different.

Him feeling loved by a big audience impacted him emotionally more than it ever could for me. When he feels special or important, it's like healing a childhood wound, and I've always been made to feel like a star. It makes me emotional to think about. So interesting comments. Right?

And after that, Billy Ray Cyrus marries Fire Rose. And how did he meet Fire Rose? Well, she's only 4 years older than Miley Cyrus, and he met her on set of Hannah Montana. Yeah, it's messy. I told you there's a reason I'm telling you this.

It's because it's messy, and it's none of our business. And after just one 1 year long engagement, they get married, and then they get divorced. Yep, they get divorced. So doesn't necessarily last very long, unfortunately. And, unfortunately, the relationship with Miley Cyrus and her dad doesn't get any better because when she got a Grammy earlier this year, as you might remember in February, we talked about it, and she completely amids her dad from her acceptance speech.

She says, I'd like I'd like to thank my mom. I'd like to thank my managers, and I don't think I have forgotten anyone. But I might have forgotten underwear. Bye. That was part of her exhibit speech.

And so, yeah, Miley Cyrus is not stoked at her dad. And later on that month, Tish Cyrus goes with Brady or not Brady, Brandi Cyrus on call her daddy. You guys know call her daddy podcast. And they go on there, and she talks about her divorce from Billy Ray Cyrus. And she just said how it had not been in a good place for a long time.

She said that I think I did stay so long out of fear, literal fear of being alone. I met him when I was 24. So I grew up with him, and he was such a huge part of that. Anyways, it's pretty crazy because, I don't know, I just remember Noah and Miley being super close, and you always hope that siblings that go through fame and that have these things happen are able to stay close. But a lot of times, it just can't happen.

And so hopefully hopefully, one day hopefully, one day, they're able to all have a happy family in whatever terms they end up having to have that, whether it's, you know, just among siblings or however it happens. But like I said, none of my business, so I guess I'll stop talking about it now. And finally, we have a not even final update, but I remember talking a lot about Young Thug's trial. It was actually an episode that I was surprised because a lot of you really enjoyed it, and I'm really glad that you guys enjoyed it. So we are going to talk about it because I know that I recapped his trial back in December.

I think it was December 2nd, if my notes are still correct. And so if you don't know anything about Young Thug's trial, or who he is, or what he is going to trial for, you can go back and listen to that episode. Again, it was a weekly Friday recap posted the beginning of December, but we have some massive developments in the story. They have been going back and forth and back and forth with witnesses calling for different witnesses for over a year now. In fact, it's been almost 2 years since maybe it's been about 2 years since Young Thug his real name is Jeffrey Williams, since he's been indicted.

So what happened? Well, there was a witness that went in to court. It was either a Friday or a Saturday, and he kept he kept not answering any questions. He kept saying that he didn't wanna say anything and that he wasn't really going to even be of help to the trial. And so over the weekend, the weekend happened.

They bring him out on Monday, and they're still hoping that they'll get some information out of him. His name or, I guess, his nickname is Lil Woody. Well, Monday lunch break happens. And after the lunch break happens, Young Thug's lawyer, whose name is Brian, he walks in, and he is like, what is going on? Well, Brian had learned that there had been an ex parte meeting between the judge, the sworn witness, Lil Woody, and the defense attorney.

Just this little huddle up group, little session between them. This is not allowed. Right? This is, like, the biggest no no in the code of conduct. This is grounds for a mistrial.

You can't just have little private meetings with the witness without each party, without the defendant and the prosecution present, and the judge didn't notify anybody. He didn't invite Young Thug or Brian Steele, Brian Steele being Young Thug's lawyer, into the conversation. So, somehow, he had a conversation with this witness that was previously not giving any information and essentially coerced this witness to testify, saying that he would give him jail time for as long as he wanted to give him or up until the other 26 defendants had their cases tried. And, so, the judge is sitting here in this secret meeting, basically, like, blackmailing him saying, if you don't do this, then you're gonna stay in jail until I wrap up everybody else's cases. And so, that's not allowed.

Very illegal, if I may say so myself with my, you know, law degree that I'm dusting off my shoulders here. But, yeah. And so, when when Brian says this, the judge doesn't even deny what happens. What he says is he keeps saying, how did you come across this information? How did you get this information?

Who is your source? Who is your source? Tell me right now who told you this. So he doesn't deny it, and he just keeps badgering the attorney on who his source is. And mister Brian Steele refuses to tell the judge anything.

And he says, this is a violation of my client's constitutional rights. He deserved to be in that meeting. Young Thug deserved to be in that meeting. And the court and judge cannot just say, tell me your sources and force you to tell them your sources. That is not something that is allowed.

And so Brian says, I'm not telling you who told me. I mean, imagine imagine if he did, and then they found out who said it. Well, they're gonna freaking I don't know. I don't know what they're gonna do. This is an intense case.

And so what does the judge do? Well, the judge says, this is criminal contempt. There are 2 kinds of contempt. There is civil contempt, which is coercing compliance with a court order, and then there's criminal contempt. And criminal contempt is used to punish conduct for a criminal.

It's essentially if you have, like, criminal misconduct during a proceeding, and he didn't. He was just saying, I'm not going to tell you who told me that you had this secret meeting. And so what that would be is civil contempt, if it was anything, which it isn't. And so the judge says, this is criminal contempt. And it's not because he's not preventing justice in the courtroom.

He's actually trying to have justice by calling out the behavior of the judge having private meetings. So this is just this is just insane. And so what happens is the president of the Georgia defense attorney, they come in, and they basically explain to the judge the difference of civil contempt and criminal contempt. And the judge says, no. You're wrong.

To the president of the Georgia Defense Attorney Barr, he says, no. You're wrong. This is criminal contempt. So he sentences Young Thug's literal attorney to jail for 20 days on the weekends. And Brian says, can I at least serve it in the same cell as my client so we can work on his case?

And the judge says, sure. Can you believe this? Can you believe this? So yeah, the judge serves his order of contempt that doesn't have any logic or law, a foundation in anything. And Brian Steele, his wife, who's also an attorney, represents him, and she files a notice for appeal saying this is not legal.

None of this of which is happening here is legal. Plus, you're ignoring the fact that we just brought it to attention that you had a secret meeting with Lil Woody, basically coercing him to testify and say things. And so, you know, even though Brian had all the rights to know that information anyways, the motion gets boosted to the Georgia Supreme Court, and they granted the motion to not make Steele stay in jail over the weekends. And, they also said they wanted to submit the appeal, too. And, then, days later, while the prosecution is still asking questions to Lil Woody, Lil Woody says, by the way, every single time that I've talked to police, I've lied to them.

Anytime they've asked me questions, I just agreed to get out of prison. I know 100% facts that I have never been truthful. I was just saying whatever I could come up with. You guys need to go and watch the video because it's crazy. And so yeah.

Essentially, the prosecution who was using this guy as a witness, well, now this witness is suddenly denying everything that he had previously said. And so the biggest update in the last 10 days is they filed to disqualify the judge. Based on the ex parte meeting that broke the rules of the judicial conduct, and also the fact that he tried to force Young Thug's attorney, Brian, to give up his source. And in this in this entire, list of appeals, they essentially recount lots of other examples of bias from the judge. All these alleged biases that he's had saying that he hasn't been impartial to Young Thug.

And so they're putting it all in writing. And what's crazy is this motion to disqualify the judge from their case and essentially get reassigned a new judge, It has to be it has to go through the current judge, and he, essentially, has to confirm that he reads it. He has to acknowledge it and confirm that the situation is at is as it is, basically saying, yes, this is what happened in court, and then pass it on to the next judge to rule it. Well, this judge denies the motion. Even after reading it, he denies it.

While he is trying to figure out what to say and how to respond, he looks from his papers to the computer and starts reading off. It's like he typed up something and he's reading it off, or he typed up something on Google, because he doesn't know what he wants to say, and he's using literally ChadGBT to come up with these rules. I don't know. It was just or not to come up with the rules, but to cite the laws. And you can watch all this on video.

It just looks like he has no idea what he's talking about. And what does he do? Yeah, he stops mid sentence, looks at the computer, and keeps talking in a very robotic way. And he's essentially just delaying the inevitable of him getting removed from the case. So then Brian says, please, I ask you to look at the pages of the motion and to recognize the unfairness of this trial against Young Thug, and, you know, because he has this evidence of coercion and witness intimidation by the judge and the state.

And so, well, what's next, Hannah? Well, they have to file a and I don't actually know how to say this word. Man mandamus? Amandamus? Essentially, this mandamus tells the higher court to yell at the lower court.

It's like the parents yelling at the child to perform their public or statutory duty and to do it correctly and fairly. And so, yeah, it's just pretty wild because this judge can't admit that he messed up. And now, because he keeps delaying the inevitable, denying the motions, and causing all of these interruptions in court, it's costing Young Thug and all of these other witnesses to keep sitting around in jail, in prison, not knowing their fate, not knowing what's gonna happen because this judge is going around making these mistakes and making everything go to mistrial anyways. There's all these legal fees, extra legal fees they're gonna have to pay. It's probably gonna go to mistrial anyways.

So more legal fees, more prison time, more jail time. And that is essentially the entire update I have for you guys is the judge on this case is wacko. He's crazy. And I know that you can go to the Twitter account, Thugger Daily for updates on his trial if anyone is invested. I just feel like I had to include that.

And yes, I put it at the very end because I respect the fact that a lot of you probably don't care. But, you know, I had to update you because I talked about it in December. And we talked all about the fact that they've been trying to use Young Thug's lyrics to as essentially proof of these crimes. And back in that episode, we discussed, like, is that even legal to use lyrics to, you know, commit someone to prison time and jail time. So I don't know.

It's just very interesting stuff. But thank you guys so much for joining me today on this very random episode of the pop culture events in June. I hope that you have the most wonderful, safe holiday and to stay hydrated. Stay very hydrated, put on that sunscreen, unless of course, you don't believe in sunscreen, which I wear sunscreen, but some people in my life tell me that sunscreen causes cancer. So if you have any proof that it doesn't, please send it my way.

I could use I could use some good I could use some good science backed papers that I don't want to spend time looking up. So if you have those in your back pocket, send them over. And thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you have the most wonderful rest of your weekend. And I'll talk to you later.


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