The Unrelatable Podcast

I'm Not Where I Thought I'd Be

June 27, 2024 Episode 48

Join the club of setting impossibly highly expectations of ourselves! We are 6 months into 2024, and if you're also feeling like you're not where you thought you'd be, you're not alone. We're talking about mental health, comparison, and societal expectations.

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Hi. Hello. Welcome back to the Unrelatable podcast. I'm your host, Hannah, and today I am telling you all about why I'm not where I thought I'd be. And I asked you guys the same type of question, and we got some responses.

And really, we're just going to talk about life and how life sometimes happens completely different than what you imagined it would. And I know this is not an experience that is unique to myself, and so I'm excited to share the things you guys said. And then, of course, on the ask women Reddit thread, I'm gonna share some of those as well because you guys have some really good input. You have some good insights, and then, yeah, we're just going to dive right into it. Why am I talking about this?

Well, first of all, I feel like I'm not anywhere I thought I would be in 2024. And if you're not either, then hi, hello, let's talk about it because I know that it's quite natural to shoot for the stars in January, and then 6 months later, which is now, think, what the heck am I doing with my ear? I'm sorry. Are you telling me that 6 months ago, I did a podcast episode saying how the 12 week year changes your life, and I have not really accomplished many things on that list that I posted literally January 3. Yeah.

Well, that is the reality of the situation. And I remember telling you guys in the episode that I would update you. And so this is my update is life is so not what I thought it would be. And that's just how it goes. A few of the goals that I had for myself this year that I have certainly not accomplished or become any closer to definitely have to do with social media.

I have a really hard time trying to balance the idea of privacy and having privacy in my life. And then I go on to make fitness account. And then and then I stopped posting on that for a long time. I come back and forth whenever I'm feeling more open about myself, my life, my fitness journey. And then I kind of close-up again, and I stopped posting.

And then I create a permanent makeup account. And I post on that until well, would you look at that wrist injury? We're not really continuing that right now. So closing that chapter out. And then what do I do?

Well, I start a podcast. That is not necessarily a very private thing to do because you have to be really open. I mean, every single week you're jumping on a podcast, and you're explaining, you're talking, you're conversing. I mean, really, I feel like I'm conversing with you guys, but most of the time, you have to come up with the ideas yourself. You know what I mean?

I mean, I do get inspiration from your suggestions, and whatnot, and kind of things that I come up with. But a lot of the time it requires some authenticity. Is that the word? No, vulnerability is what I'm looking for. It requires vulnerability.

And I haven't felt very vulnerable to be posting on TikTok. And I don't know what it is. I just have such a hard time coming back to it. So that's just one of my goals that I have not really ended up pursuing. Will that change in the future?

I sure hope so because the money in TikTok is good. It is good, and it just keeps getting better. So I just kind of need to figure that out. And I also know that nobody really has that expectation. It's just the expectations that I'm putting on myself.

And so if you have any expectations that you have put on yourself for this year that you haven't achieved yet, hey, you know what? Join the freaking club. There's 2 of us right now. Maybe there's more. We will just have to see.

And, also, there are birds chirping in the background. You know, typically, I love birds, but they're a little high pitched and right by my window. So if you hear that, I am so so sorry about that. But another check-in I wanted to do was a mental health check-in. I remember one of my first episodes was about my ketamine experience.

It might even be my first episode. And I talk a lot about my history of mental health previously in my life and really through 2022, 2023, and kind of coming into 2024. I know that I've talked about, I think a booster treatment for Ketamine. If you don't know what Ketamine is, first of all, I would go listen to those episodes. I talk in-depth about it.

It's clinically done, all that jazz. So if you haven't listened, go take a look over there. But an update is kind of, I haven't really been able to keep on with my ketamine sessions because I moved several states away. And so unless I'm visiting home, I, you know, I will really try to do one when I'm visiting home. I did one the last time in April, and then I will be going home for a very, very, very quick camping trip over the 4th July, which is next week.

And so I'll be doing a ketamine session then. But for me, that was really something that was able to pull me out when I needed it the most. And then, you know, with talk therapy, I've been doing EMDR, all that jazz, you know, I've been putting in the work. But I feel like it's come back. My depression is here.

Hi, hello. How how is it going? It's not going amazing. I think that it's natural that when you come home from traveling or vacation, that, you know, you go from a high high to kind of maybe a little bit low because you just have a reality check of, okay, we're back to real life. And I don't I also don't want this to sound like I'm not having gratitude because I always want to be grateful and practice gratitude in my life.

I know that that is a big, big way to live a happy life and whatnot. But it's kind of like when people say that if you're depressed, you should just go work out. It's like, okay, that is a great suggestion. Working out does help a lot of people's depression. But for people with severe clinically diagnosed depression, it doesn't always cure it.

You know what I mean? For me, it makes it more manageable. It kind of dampens it just a little bit, but it, you know, doesn't really dampen it for the whole day just during the time that I'm working out. And so anyways, long story short, kind of been feeling those feelings recently. My I've been struggling with my ADHD and kind of feeling frustrated with that because I started on my journey of figuring that out.

As you guys know, you know, I've been talking to you guys about this, but I've been trying to figure that out for the past few years. And I met with a new doctor this week, and we're looking at getting me on some medication for it. So I don't know if you are pro or anti medication. But for me, I feel like there is a time and there is a place. And so I'm going to move forward with that.

And I am very, very excited. I'm hoping that I feel like a normal human, whatever that means. I don't even know if there is a normal human type of level out there. But just in daily functioning, and with being overstimulated. I don't know if I've ever told you guys this before, but I get extremely overstimulated very easily and highly, you know, highly distracted, obviously.

And one thing that helps me not be overstimulated is constantly having either music or an audio book in my ear and playing something that really helps me stay focused on what I'm doing. You know, I could be preparing a meal and it helps me actually go from point a to point b, when I have something else happening in my mind and distracting my mind. It's kind of when it like when I'm working, I have my walking pad. And that helps me a lot because I'm moving the whole time. Otherwise, I fidget a lot.

My legs are always moving. My mom told me on her trip, she's like, Hannah, you move around a lot. Are you anxious? I was like, no, I'm not anxious. I'm not anxious at all.

This is just this is just one of my fun ADHD symptoms. And it was so extreme that multiple people on the trip were like, hey, are you okay? Like, at just different random times of me just bouncing my leg. And this was during really important meetings with government officials with the orphanages and child protective services. And so it was these meetings where, you know, we all had to be on our a game.

And I was doing the media. So I was kind of documenting what was happening, writing everything down, taking photos, all that jazz. Let me just tell you, I wasn't nervous. I wasn't nervous one bit. But my body language shows differently because I'm constantly in the state of like moving and my body is always wanting to move.

Anyways, you get the point. At the end of the day, those are the things that I am checking back into, and we're gonna figure it out. You know, we're gonna figure it out. The I feel like I need to say some positive things, right, to combat that. So I will say something positive that I have really been excited about is my progress with lifting.

I have been getting stronger and I can feel it for the first time in what feels like 8 or 9 months. I feel like I'm progressing. That might not actually be true. But yeah, so workouts are feeling a lot better. I'm lifting 5 times a week, doing 4 days of cardio about 25 minutes each time, and that's been going well, you know, tracking my macros, all that jazz.

One thing that I have to remember with workouts, with fitness, and even even with mental health is that you don't necessarily become confident or fix any of your problems by shouting affirmations in the mirror every day. That's not going to do it. And this quote says that, you you know, you don't become confident by shouting out affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. And so I've just been working on having those routines and all that kind of stuff that really, at the end of the day, I can write a list of my accomplishments. I know I've told you this before, but I have to write down a list of things that I've done to actually feel like I've accomplished anything in my life.

And so I know you guys kind of have felt the same. And you know, it's difficult because life is always going to happen. We can have the best intentions, we can have the best goals, we can think that we are going may you know, maybe we thought at the beginning of the year, hey, I'm gonna buy a house in 6 months, and maybe it hasn't happened yet. Maybe you thought you would have a baby right now, and it hasn't happened yet. Maybe you thought that, you know, your relationships would be different and they aren't.

Well, a lot of times, we cannot control these things. 90% of the time, we can't. And that's because life happens. And I used to be triggered by that phrase, because when I would be deep into my body building phases, I would get so intense in the state of mind of achieving my goals at all costs, at, you know, whatever cost possible. And sometimes, you know, you have to do that when you have really massive goals.

But a lot of times, if you're not mentally, you're just not there. And if there's situations in life that you literally cannot control, you can't beat yourself up. And so it's really hard. It's hard to stay present and to not live in the back of your mind thinking, okay, I made these goals 6 months ago. Why am I only here?

Why am I not, you know, Hannah, why don't I have a full kitchenware set of pottery done yet? Okay. Maybe the better question or the better statement should be, Hannah, good job. You took your first pottery class. So maybe think of something that you have wished that you would have accomplished.

Maybe you hoped to be further in your fitness journey at this time. Well, hey, at least you've been consistent. If not for the whole 6 months of the year, maybe the last 3 months, or the last 3 weeks, or the last 3 days. Sometimes we just have to simplify it that much. Okay, so now let's share your guys' stories.

And then of course, some Reddit ones in there, as well, because this is great. We have some really good advice from you guys. And we're going to start off with an advice one first, because I really like it. She says, when you go to a theme park, are you only having fun when you're on your favorite ride? When you're in line, you can stand with your friend and make jokes, and one of you can step away to go get some food while you wait.

Yes. The ride is the thing you were looking the most forward to, but that doesn't make the steps you took there any less important. Look at us getting so corny and self help out here. I love that. No, it's actually it's perfect because it's true.

A lot of times, we just wanna skip right to the destination. When I was writing my goals, I thought, okay, I'm gonna write these down, and in 3 months, they're going to happen. They're gonna happen. It's gonna work out well. It's gonna be perfect.

It's gonna be I don't think it would be easy. But I thought I would have more, I don't know, discipline to do it. You know what I mean? You would hate to use that word because I have discipline. Right?

No. I guess not in some things I don't, but that's okay. Hey, we're working on it. Okay. This story says, I'm 23, single and living with my parents.

The two things I desire that most people seem to have, but I don't are number 1, being in a stable long term relationship, and number 2, having your own 1 or 2 bedroom apartment or studio. At this point, I am aware that this is not my season, but I can't shake the mentality that people who have these things are quote unquote better than me, or are doing better than me. I plan to move out within the next few months, but money will definitely be tight, which is why I don't really want to right now. As for the relationship part, I've always struggled to find a guy that I really like. I don't understand how most girls find guys so easily.

Alright. The 2 things I'm gonna say about that is that this world is in is insane with the state of how expensive things are. And so to anybody out there, if you're trying to save for a house, if you're trying to maybe upgrade your living situation or move out of your parents' house, listen, unless you're in a hostile environment, stay there as long as you can. Okay? Again, if you're in a hostile environment, get out ASAP.

But if you can, write it out. Because at this day and age, I wouldn't be surprised if there were people that are 30 years old out there, single, living with their parents. Save the money. And again, I know that it's hard not to compare yourself. Because listen, that's what that's what we're all doing out here is comparing ourselves to people on and off social media in real life, people from college, and it's hard.

But I think another thing that's important to remember is that that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you. These are no telltale signs of anything wrong with you. And I know that you said, you know, you've been struggling to find a guy that you like. But what I found and what I know so many people have found is that when you stop looking for things, they tend to show up in your life. You know, if you stop searching and searching for the perfect person, if you stop trying to, you know, get on the dating apps, and you're always adjusting your profile, all these things, I don't know.

I've never been on a dating app. Actually, that's not true. Oh, my gosh. I have a story to tell you after this. Okay.

So what I was going to say is when you are living your best life for you, and you're not living your life searching for somebody else, that is what's going to attract a plus one into your life. Because you're searching out of a mindset of not having enough, And that will not necessarily bring someone into your life that you want, because you're feeling the feelings of, hey, if I have a guy, if I have this relationship, that's going to I don't know if you're thinking that it'll complete you or, like, it'll make the picture whole. But oftentimes, that's when you get into those tricky relationships, and that's when you get into relationships that don't have a good dynamic, because you have to come in 100%. And once you hit your 100%, once you are comfortable in your life, and you're comfortable being on your own, that is when the door will open with the people that you really want. It's because you're looking for someone right now, and the people that you're looking for are also looking for people.

And it's just not a good match, because neither of you are at 100%. And you have to bring 100% to the table before looking, because if you don't, you will always come from a place of lack. And like I said, that's when tricky relationships can happen. But I do empathize. I do empathize with you.

I just know that the people that I've seen, because obviously, I got married young, I found my man young. But the people that I've seen who waited, and, you know, maybe they went through high school and college and their graduate program. Well, there's very, very, very low chances that you're not going to find your person when you are living a life that is authentic to you. And you're not doing it to find somebody else, because I've seen it happen with my friends. I've seen them find the best people for them.

And it happened when they started making choices for them and living their life authentically. Okay. This is the next one. She says, I know American culture puts a lot of pressure on young people, making them feel bad if they don't move out the second they turn 18. But there's nothing wrong about living with your parents.

I moved out when I was 30, which is kind of the norm in my country. Okay, guys. See, I literally was just talking about this. Working while still living with my parents allowed me to save a lot of money over the years. I'm really grateful I had that chance.

And now at 34, me and my girlfriend have our own apartment. You're still young. Be open, enjoy the ride and see where it takes you. It might not be where you want to be right now. But that doesn't mean that it can't be good enough.

Life is full of surprises. Amen. Honestly, couldn't have said it better. And that's one thing that I noticed. I mean, in Italy, for example, a lot of times people stay living with their parents, and then they take care of their parents.

And if they get married, then their wife will move in with them. And then they'll take care of their parents. You know what I mean? It's a full family system. It's a full family oriented place.

And it's just it's just a lot different in America. It's a lot more hustle, hustle, hustle, hurry and graduate high school, go to college right when you graduate college and make sure you buy your 1st townhouse, and then save up for a rental and then make sure that you get married and have children immediately, have 2 or 3 or 4 children, and then make sure to go on vacations with your children. It's just a massive amount of expectations. And you can choose whether you subscribe to those expectations or not. Because in these times, a lot of them are pretty unrealistic.

Okay. So this next story says, one thing that has really helped me get out of a slump was to sign up for the random classes and lessons for things that I had no intention or pressure of doing forever. I took a 10 week pottery class, a taxidermy class, language lessons, glass blowing, candle making, and foraging classes. When I chose these classes, I was able to take them right after work, so it forced me to not stay late and just shift gears into a doing something for myself kinda mindset. It helped to break routine and life started feeling more fulfilling.

Fast forward a few years and a few of these things are actually regular hobbies now that I'm really passionate about. I also started figuring out ways to claw some of my time back. The big one was I started meal prepping more often so that I did not have to spend so much time cooking my dinner. I also stayed remote to not lose any time commuting to work. I realized this may not be possible for everyone.

Okay. I feel like we've talked about these things before, right? Take classes. If you're feeling like your life is not where you want to be, just freaking throw in throw in something random, throw in a side quest, go take a class. That's what I've been trying to do.

And honestly, I should be proud of myself because I've been putting myself out there at a freaking community college and I'm 27 years old. I mean, I actually show up and the median age is about 55. So it does not matter how old you are, we can just we can just go. We can have these these side hobbies, because this is the thing. Life when we focus it just around goals and achieving things and all that kind of jazz, it just can become really overwhelming and really frustrating, especially if you're also someone that struggles with mental health and you know, or any kind of disabilities.

Or, you know, maybe you don't have a good structure in your life right now. It can be so hard to even feel like anything outside of daily life is possible. And so I know that that is a reason a lot of people don't like January resolutions. And hey, maybe I'm gonna subscribe to being a January resolution hater. No, I'm just kidding.

I'm not going to. I just, you know, we're just realizing that, you know, you have to pivot. You have to realize that, hey, there are actually fun things that you can do and not everything that you decide to make a goal about has to number 1, be about weight loss. Okay. We can stop doing that.

Number 2, be about making more money. Okay? We can also stop doing that. And number 3, be about just growing our character. And maybe that's by trying out new hobbies.

Maybe that's by growing a garden. I don't know. I live in a freaking apartment complex right now. I can't grow a garden. Okay.

This next one says, I'm 25 and jobless. Since graduating last April, I have been applying to jobs that relates to my oh so useful STEM degree. That took me forever to get because of personal issues. I had 1.5 job offers, but turned them down because one was temporary and the other was completely misleading and not the type of work that relates to biology, which is why I call it a 0.5 offer. I have also been applying to jobs that are an hour away, but when they contact about a phone interview or just a follow-up to ask if I'm interested, I say I'm not, because an hour drive there and back is not worth the pay.

Applying for jobs I have no business to apply for since they require more skills or education than I have, and then I get rejected, which is what I expect. I had other types of jobs that have had nothing to do with my degree. But, honestly, I'm looking for something in this field since that is what I went to school for. I guess I'm lucky since I still get to live at home, but home life has never been sweet for me. And there's a lot more that can be said about that, but I'm not going to get into that.

I'm still hopeful about getting a job, but, man, all my little bit of savings is gone for the few bills I do need to pay. Plus, I need to add in some way to the house more since getting my degree, since that is what is expected. Sorry. I'm trying to understand the sentence. I need to add in some way to the house since that is what is expected when someone goes to college and finishes.

Right? I just never thought at this big age, I would still be such a loser. Okay. Well, first of all, we're taking the word loser out of your vocabulary. Because you're not a loser.

Like I said, the timeline that we all have in our mind, it's not accurate. The timeline of 18 going to school, then graduating, then getting the perfect job buying a house. That's just not what usually happens. And I feel like a lot of the times it's hard because I can't speak to getting a degree and then not finding a job in your field. But that would be extremely frustrating.

You know, your skills you went to college for. But then again, I also feel like the skills you live in college are so adaptable and transferable to other places, other, you know, other work skills. One thing that I have seen so many successful people do is they and this is also, by the way, not advice. This is just something that I'm stating because I think it's really interesting. And I've also seen it, in, like, advice forums is pick a job, even if it's not even a place that you wanted to work.

Let's say, it's a medium paying job. Pick a job, go to that job, you start working. Well, each year or every 2 years, you look for a different job and then you land an even higher paying job. Because what will happen is over the next few years, you gain all of this experience. And then you can then apply that to a different career and tell them, you know what?

My expectation for my salary is an extra 10 to 20 grand higher. And if you do that every, you know, year or every few years, then you end up raising your salary a lot. And, obviously, this has no this is not even applicable to what you said. But it might just take off the weight of the financial instability. Also commuting, get yourself some good audio books, because especially in cities, especially for people in biotech or pharma or anything, you know, with those types of jobs, a lot of times, there's not a ton of locations spread out everywhere.

So a lot of times, you do have to you do have to drive around. You do have to, commute a little bit. And let me say, you can read a lot of good books this year while doing that. Okay. Another thing that I feel like is so applicable is let me just say this, when you turn 18, that is your 18 to 19 is your first year being an adult.

So you're essentially a 1 year old in the world of adulting. Then you turn, you know, 19 to 20. That's your 2nd year of adulting. So technically, I'm in my what 8 or 9th year. So I'm an 8 or 9 year old adult.

I don't know. I like to think of it this way, because it kind of brings off a little bit of pressure. Because when we're a child, and we look at our parents, we think, wow, you know all the answers. You have everything figured out as a small small kid, and then you start getting older and you start kind of challenging their ideas and their and their, you know, parenting skills, at least I did. I was always asking questions.

Why do I have to do that? No, I don't wanna do this. Tell me why. And it just really comes to a point where you realize, wait a second. As being the oldest, I was their first child.

They had no idea what they were doing when they had me. I was kind of like the first one they tried things out on and it didn't work. So then they tried something different with the other kids. You know, the way I've been raised and the way my youngest sister has been raised is completely different. And that of course has to also do with, you know, parents in the home and divorce and all that kind of stuff.

And that just goes to say is that so many of us are, you know, 5, 6 year old adults, or maybe you're 2 or 3 year old adult, and you're trying everything for the first time. And a lot of times, it's not gonna work. But then you just have to turn around and try something different. Most of us try things so many times and quit and then figure out what we actually like to do. I feel like we've talked about this before, right?

I mean, I know that I've told you kind of about my social media stuff and, you know, trying different things and having it not work out and then pivoting. Even with mental health, sometimes you will find solutions. And then it isn't a solution anymore. And you kind of have to reassess what's going on. I mean, at the end of the day, you could land your dream job, and then end up being bored of it in a few years.

And that's why life is so crazy is because we are always growing. And if the people around us are not, if our career field is not, then it can start to feel a little bit boring and stagnant and hopeless. And so that's that's why I'm telling you, Go take a pottery class. Pottery can can literally fix everything. No, I'm just kidding.

But for real, I feel like it really helps to have first of all, we all have to have an income. Right? So you just kind of have to pick how you wanna make your income. Go with that. If it ends up being with your degree, great.

If it doesn't, hey, that's okay. Keep looking for jobs while you're while you're, you know, working your current one. But I I like to kind of draw parallels to living in an apartment. I used to think when we were younger and we hadn't bought anything like, oh, my gosh, we are just wasting so much money, not spending our rent on a mortgage. You know, we could be applying this to a mortgage mortgage and it was so frustrating.

Because, you know, when you're self employed, it's really hard to apply for loans, and all of that jazz. But then Kaden said, you know what, Hannah, it's not like we are just throwing money down the drain because we're using this house. You know, we're using the kitchen, and we're getting, you know, heating and electricity, and we're sleeping in the upstairs bedrooms. And, you know, we're living here together as a family. So it's not necessarily going to waste because it's sustaining us.

It's a roof out over our head. And I guess, kind of that could even be a parallel to gratitude and just thinking, you know what? I'm not wasting this money. It's going into me having a roof over my head and a good kitchen to cook meals in, and whatnot. Even if it's not going to a mortgage right now.

That's the next step for later on, and it'll happen when it's meant to happen. But yeah, I don't know. I feel like I've been honestly rambling a lot. And so I hope that this is I hope that this is really making sense because it is just kind of a whole bunch of random thoughts that we're going through today. Okay.

This next one is really good. And she says, I would recommend making some friends, some new friends whose lives look similar to yours, or are still different, but in other ways. This doesn't mean you have to stop being friends with anyone that you're friends with now. But when you meet people in various life stages and household configurations, it can help show you that happiness is possible, even if you don't have everything that you want. It also helps us not spend time around the people whose milestones are triggers for us through no fault of their own.

For me, I had to really sit down and tell myself that even if I didn't ever get married and have kids, I still had to love and invest in myself and not devalue myself ever. That acceptance was key to making my twenties so much happier than not. And I feel like this just summarizes everything so well. I mean, a lot of times we can sit around and whether you're comparing yourself to people on social media, or if you're comparing yourself to your circle of high school or college friends or your neighbors, sometimes you have to go look elsewhere, and go make new friends that can kind of be in the same mindset as you. That's not necessarily saying, you know, go find friends that don't, you know, want better things for you.

But maybe look for people in places where you also can relate. There's nothing better than when you have a friend that is going through the exact same struggles as you are. Whether, you know, it's a big life transition, whether it's divorce or having kids or graduating college and feeling a little bit lost. I feel like when you have friends that are in the same stage as you, it can feel so much less alone. And that's really, you know, the root of it is having all these expectations for ourselves, or really, you know, what society places on us and then feeling like we're not the feeling like we're the only ones that are not achieving it, which is obviously not true.

Reading all these stories, we all feel pretty similar. Okay, so at the end of the day, I feel like this is a societal problem. This is not our problem. So we're good. We don't have any responsibility.

No, I'm just kidding. But really, we live in such a crazy system that honestly just wants to keep us working and living this way of always trying to do what's next, and complete the next task and make more goals. And I know that I already talked a lot about how social media can really affect our perspective of this. With my episode, The Grass is Always Greener, or it's not always greener. Is that right?

I posted that back in April and you guys really liked that. And so I feel like it's something that, you know, we all have in common. I heard this the other day, and I have to tell it to you because it was really good. It goes, wake up at 5 am. Make sure you don't get on your phone.

Hit 18,000 steps. Do your skin care routine. Drink green juice. A no carb breakfast. No keto breakfast.

No Starbucks. Drink regular coffee. Own your own espresso machine. Don't have cheap meals. Don't drink sugar.

The bills need to be paid. You gotta change your oil. You gotta build your dresser. Start saving money. Find coupons.

Live your life. Be who you are. Be authentic. Don't be a people pleaser. Open up to people about your vulnerabilities.

Don't have trust issues. Pray every day. Make sure you never miss a prayer. And every time you see something, make sure you have a compliment. Be generous.

Be compassionate. Love people. If you see someone, make sure you give them a compliment. Have generosity. It's like, I don't know what the world wants from me.

It's a state of overwhelm. And there are all of these things that we wake up and these just run through our head of all these things that we need to do. And a lot of times we just need to sit and breathe. At least that's what I need to do. I need to sit, I need to breathe.

I need to honestly, just get myself out of the state of overwhelm and simplify life. Because the best days in life are not the days that are filled with a 1,000 activities. It's the days where you're literally, this is so corny. You're sitting outside on the grass. You look up at the sky and you find pictures in the clouds.

Okay. The last time you did that was when you were how old? 12 years old. Why aren't we doing things like that more? Caden and I have really tried to be more be a lot better, I would say at hiking and whatnot.

And so we've been doing about, you know, one hike a week for the past few months. And it's been really, really good for us because it's crazy. We could wake up and we could be feeling flustered and, you know, we could be feeling like even rushing to get to the hike. You know, there's gonna be so many people if we don't get there right in the morning and, oh, it's 2 PM, it's gonna be so hot outside, we might as well just wait and go tomorrow. And, you know, you wait for everything to be aligned perfectly.

But when you just get yourself there, and you get outside and you just start walking, and you're around waterfalls, I do have to say, where we're living right now has so many hikes. I think there's over like a 100 waterfalls within an, one hour radius of us. And just when you get outside and you get in the fresh air, and your face is in the sun, it just helps you have that perspective. And it's always a moment that I wish that I could hold on to for the rest of the day. And the way that you know, you just breathe easier out in the trees and in the sun, in the water.

I just feel like if I could just bottle that up in a little bottle and have that be put into some glasses and put on the glasses and just see my life through that lens. I don't even know if this is making sense. But if that could happen, that would be great. And that comes in so many forms that comes in the form of yoga, that might be in the form of reading for you. But I do believe that comparison is not something that benefits us.

Hot take. Thank you guys so much for tuning in to my podcast today. I know that it is kind of wild. I know that it's a little bit chaotic. But welcome to my brain right now.

Welcome to my thought pattern. This is exactly how my brain is working at the moment. And I even wrote like every time I do a podcast episode, I always write down kind of a list of things that I wanna talk about. But even when I have structure, sometimes, sometimes it's just a ramble. Sometimes it's a good little chat.

So thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I appreciate you so much. And just remember that this is a life where you only live at one time. YOLO. So honestly, let go of anything that you see on the Internet where they tell you, you have to wake up, you have to make sure you drink a glass of lemon water.

You have to make sure that you don't drink your coffee within 2 hours of waking up. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Make sure you don't drink coffee because it's too acidic. Make sure you do this and this and that. Honestly, I have to break it down to what are the most important things for me to focus on in my life right now.

And what are expectations that were not from myself, but just given to me by other people, or other perspectives or experiences or societal pressures. And, you know, take a look at it, pick and choose what you want to do, And make adjustments going forward because life happens, life is going to happen. And if all we do is think about how we're not where we wanted to be when we were 16. Well, guess what? I'm sure 16 year old you had no idea what was in store for your future.

And so you have to give yourself grace. And with that, I just wanted to say thank you so much for joining me on the Unrelatable podcast, and I will see you very soon. Byeeeee

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