The Unrelatable Podcast

Oh How I Love Being a Woman!

May 30, 2024 Episode 44

Today is all about celebrating womanhood. We're talking about all the things that make us happy, the hobbies we love to do, and the moments that make life exciting. 

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Hi. Hello. And welcome back to the Unrelatable podcast. I'm your host, Hannah Felt. And today, we are talking about how fun it is to be a woman, and not in a sarcastic way.

Okay? Because let me just tell you this. There was once a time I wished I could be a man. This might be a universal experience, but Hannah, why did you desire that? Well, number 1.

Periods. That's for sure one. I'm not alone in that. I know everybody else in the world has thought that as well. Well, woman, obviously.

Birth control, as we talked about a few episodes ago, is another reason. And then, you know, women's rights, feeling safe, all those kinds of things for sure play into that. But the biggest reason the biggest reason and the time that I would think about, I just wish I was a freaking man. Well, that would be in the gym. I am unashamed to say it, but the difference in how hard guys have to work at the gym, in the gym, versus us women?

I'm so sorry. I will be the one to say it. I will. I could work out for 3 months consistently and not look like anything has changed. Well, then Kei din won't work out for 2 months, and then he'll go to the gym for 3 days, and the next day we'll casually mention that his abs have grown abs.

It is not fair. My sister and I have had this conversation so many times in the gym that if we were guys, we would be stacked. We would be huge. It's just how it is. But I know.

I know. These intrusive thoughts, they don't always win. Of course, they they they win sometimes when it comes to the things I've already mentioned, But they're coming less and less because we have to be honest. There's no experience quite like being a woman. And again, today, I'm not going to be talking about the negatives because, I mean, I know International Women's Day was in March.

It's no longer March, but in the spirit of that, I just thought that it would be something really fun to talk about. Because what is being a woman? Well, for me, on some nights, being a woman is when I'm sitting on a couch, eating a balance of salty and sweet sex, reaching over and grabbing my brumate, or if you have a Stanley, it's your Stanley, with your favorite drink. Take a little sweet treat, take a little bite of a salty snack, get a drink. You're rotating the snacks while you're scrolling TikTok, at the same time you're shopping on the computer or you're looking at Pinterest while simultaneously watching a show.

And obviously, that's not the epitome of womanhood, but it's just something that I feel like we can all agree is fun and we can all agree is a part of being a woman. So I really wanted to keep this light and fun. And so with that, welcome back to the Unrelatable podcast. I asked you guys for some submissions about what you love about being a woman or something that you're proud of yourself for accomplishing recently. And so before we get into that, we're gonna talk about 5 of the things that I love being about being about a woman, that I love about being a woman, about women in general.

Yeah. So let's just jump right into it. And these are not going to be hot takes at all. In fact, most of my listeners are women. If you are a man listening to this, well, thank you for the support.

We appreciate you. You're welcome here. But I feel like, yeah, this is kind of a universal experience. Well, maybe not. Maybe some of you won't be able to relate to some of these things, but I feel like okay.

Let's just jump into it, and then we can talk about how we're feeling. Okay? So the first one is this is so so just classic, but there's nothing I love more than getting ready for a night out with your friends. Not even a night out. It could be getting ready for just the day after a sleepover.

It could be getting ready for an early dinner, and then you're then you're gonna come home and watch a movie. When it's 3 hours before and you show up to their house in your dumpiest outfit, you take a seat on the floor in front of their mirror, spill your makeup all over the floor, and turn on that iron. You begin to tell each other everything you didn't know that you wanted to share that day, or you have the hottest gossip on the town. I'm so sorry. There's no experience like that.

You're passing makeup back and forth. She's showing you the new eye shadow formulation that she's been using. Your lip gloss is looking good. Perfume. The amount of times in high school that I remember, most of them surround getting ready, and my girlfriend had the most delicious smelling perfumes.

That is called friendship. When you're willing to share the most delectable scents with your best friends. You know what I mean? And then I feel like a part of this are the what are we wearing texts before. It doesn't even have to be an event.

Like I said, what are we wearing? Is this a 2 piece matching set, sweat set or activewear set? Or is this a skirt? Are we doing skirts? Are we doing pants?

Are we doing tank tops? You know what I mean? It's just the vibes of being able to coordinate like that. I mean, you have never seen men do that. I have never ever seen Kayden send a what are you wearing text ever.

I mean, that's funny because they still show up wearing the same exact thing, right? A flannel and a t shirt or a graphic tee or something. So I guess they don't even need to send that kind of text, but I just love it. I love the collaboration. I just love that.

Okay. Number 2. Star signs. Crystals. Plants.

We don't talk about these very much on this podcast, but I love those things about womanhood. I know not every woman loves star signs or crystals or plants, but I do. I love them shamelessly, and I love connecting with other women that also love them. Yoga is a part of this. I love that we can just face in and out of yoga whenever we want.

No one's gonna judge us. And okay. I guess that's more of a universal thing because that is the essence of practicing yoga. But just the love for star signs, really. I love it.

I'm an Aquarius. What are you? Tell me through tell me telepathically what you are. Yeah. I'm an Aquarius.

I love being an Aquarius. I feel like it really just summarizes who I am. All in all, it really does. It's kind of wild. And crystals?

Who doesn't love crystals? I have actually, when I moved out here, I haven't unpacked a lot of my crystals because I securely wrapped them so well. But you know what we do have? You know those pyramids that give you good energy? Okay.

This is something that Kayden actually really, really, really likes. It is essentially called what is it called? An amplifier of energy? Okay. I'm not remembering what these things are called, but it's essentially a pyramid that you make with metals.

You make it oh, it's called a kams kamsouk? Is that what it's called? I'm trying to look it up without. Yeah. It's a basically, it creates healing energy.

Okay? And somehow, Caden got into this as well. And I know I'm getting off topic a little bit, but what we did is he made these pyramids, and we put them next to our plants so that they'll grow big and strong. And, hey, it's working. I can't lie.

The plants are looking good. But, yeah, maybe that the plants are more of a universal thing too. I don't know. I just feel like I've more seen woman take on the role of caring for plants and things of that sort. You know what I mean?

It's just within us, I guess. Okay. The third thing that I love about being a woman, transformations. We can transform ourselves on the daily, and that's kind of cool. We can change our nails weekly, lashes, our hair, our entire style, makeup.

You can go from looking like a feral rat one day to doing a full face beat and just looking like a completely different person. There are never ending options when it comes to what we can wear. I could be dressed in street style one day, so casual. The very next, I flip the switch and I throw on a cute little outfit, You know, a little mini skirt. Yeah.

It's kinda cool. Right? And I might look like a teenage boy 90% of the time, but I get to choose that. And who cares also? Not me.

I mean, you don't see men out here recreating themselves every single day just thinking, oh, it's Tuesday. I'm gonna just change my entire style just to experiment. I don't know. Maybe some men are out there doing it. I think that they should.

I absolutely think that they should. If there's one thing you learn today, any guys that are listening, is do that. Change your hair all the time. Diet consistently. No.

Just kidding. That's why you guys have much healthier hair than we will ever have. Or no. I'm not gonna speak for everyone. I guess just for me.

But it's just different. The glow ups are different. And I love that. I love that about being a woman. I can dye my hair and literally recreate my personality.

It's so funny. Every time that I dye my hair, and I come home and Kin sees it for the first time, he says, Oh, I got a new girlfriend. And he's like, so excited about it. And, you know, I just have this entirely new persona. And no, it's just fun.

It's fun to be able to place an order for clothes, to go out of your comfort zone and literally feel like an entirely new person. I'm telling you, this is the same thing with gym outfits. One day, you are completely just, like, scaring everyone off from the gym because you're wearing a Doberman T shirt with its, like, jaws wide open. Right? No?

Just me? Okay. Cool. And then the next, you're in a cute little, you know, I would say pink, but I don't wear pink. Not because I don't like the color pink.

No. Believe me. I am a Barbie stan. Love the movie. Love my girls out here wearing pink.

I just feel like a fake. I feel like a fake. I can't wear pink. It's just not in my it's not in my coding. It's not in my Aquarius coding.

Okay? But you know what I'm saying? A cute matching set, whatever color you like, and it just changes the whole persona. And I love it. The next one, Sisters.

I couldn't imagine being a man for the sole reason of not having that sister relationship. The type of friendship that you have as sisters. Not to say that I wouldn't do literally anything for my brother because I would. But the type of love and closeness and things that you share together in girlhood and womanhood with your sisters is so special. And I feel lucky every single day to be able to share just living life, just to share experiences in the world with them, to hear from their perspective what it's like living in the world and to relate about these things and to laugh together, to be able to cry and get mad and get angry with the frustrating things that happen and the hard things about being a woman.

That is such a special thing. And honestly sisters can just be swapped out for other women in general, for your best friends. There's nothing better than having that connection with another woman when you can be 110% yourself without any fear of judgment, without worrying? Because, you know, there's that forever, that forever thing where it's like, girls and guys just can't be friends. You know, unfortunately, you can't just have a casual guy friend unless they're gay, of course.

But you can have casual girlfriends, like friends that are girls. You know what I mean? And there's nothing more special than that feeling, and I love it. Okay. The next one are voice memos.

Men don't do this. I'm convinced that they don't. Never ever have I ever heard that before from a guy. Never have I seen guys sending each other voice memos. I don't know, maybe your husband sends you some, but I haven't seen it before.

And the podcast length episodes that I get from my sisters and my friends are something that can't be competed with. It's literally like listening to a podcast episode. It is so just pure and entertaining, and it's my own reality show, and I give them a reality show in exchange. What is my reality show about? Okay.

Let me tell you. It's about going thrift shopping. Okay? I know. Super interesting.

I promise there's stories there. It's about the gym. We already know we've talked about these stories. It's about the crazy freaking drivers. I know that I've talked about this before.

I have never lived anywhere with worst drivers. I have a story I can tell you every single freaking day. Alright? And that's great. I love that.

Send me all the stories that you have. Tell me tell me about the things that you wanna tell somebody. The things that your husband is not just listening to because he gets bored. Okay? Give me all of it.

I wanna hear all of it. I am here for that. And, actually, if your husband's getting bored, just it's time to let that one go. Okay? Because you're also very entertaining.

Alright? Okay. Next. The I think I'm doing more than 5. 123 456 7.

Oh, sorry. Okay. Well, this is the very last one. The other thing I love about being a woman that is reserved only for women, emotional support animals. Sorry.

I haven't ever met a man with an emotional support animal, and I think it's reserved for us as women. It's in our right as women to have those. Unquestioned, might I add, ESAs guaranteed all around. Here's one for you, one for you, and one for you. Having an emotional support animal, whether it be a cat or a dog, it is something that is just so incredibly unique to us.

And I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you do know a man that has an emotional support animal, but as I feel like it just comes with the motherly instincts that we have within us, and I'm not saying motherly as in, like, you have to have children type of thing. I'm saying to care. Whether you are caring for your sisters or whether you care for your parents or your friends or your animals because there's nothing more special than my dog crew.

And I think anyone on here that has a pet can agree. Alright? It's just it is what it is. It is what it is. Crew has done so much for me that nobody else could have.

He is the reason I survived my 1st year of summer sales. I don't know if I ever talked about that before, but we were doing summer sales the 1st year that we got married. That summer, we moved. I think it was as early as March, and we didn't get home till, I think, September. I don't want to I don't wanna, like, make any weird new numbers, but I'm pretty sure it was 6 months.

Pretty sure it was 6 months. It was a very long. The typical time for the summer is 3 to 4 months. And so 6 months was extra long and extra hard, and it also happened to be the very first year that we were married. Our very first summer married.

And it was a very difficult time. What made it so much better for me? Having my dog. Having Crew. Luckily, we got Crew in February, and so we'd had him for a little bit.

Was he completely potty trained? I thought so. I thought so because I did have a mental breakdown in the middle of the summer when he did have consistent blowout diarrhea in his crate for a total of 5 times in 1 night. It was really bad, and I really thought to myself, am I built for this? But he proved it every single day that I was because that dog oh, my gosh.

My heart could not be more grateful for him because that summer was very depressing for me. And if I didn't have him out there, if I didn't have my ESA, he was actually, you know, an ESA. I have the letters to prove it. Okay? If I didn't have him, I would not have ever gotten out of bed.

And because I did have him, I take him on a walk twice a day, and I would take him to the bathroom, and those would be the only times that honestly I would leave the couch or my bed. It was it was a rough time, but I am forever grateful for that. I'm forever grateful for him. And maybe ESAs just need to be normalized for guys. I don't know.

But that is a huge reason why I love being a woman. Okay? I'm gonna say it. Emotional support animals. Get yourself 1.

Adapt. Do whatever you need to do. They are the best. Okay. So I asked you guys to share what you love about being a woman or something that you're proud of yourself for.

Okay? So this is going to be kind of a mix of the 2. This first submission says, I love complimenting other women and being complimented by other women. It shows a lot of sincerity and makes my day genuinely better. We just had a full episode dedicated to to that, and the way that it makes our whole day when we receive a compliment from somebody else, specifically a woman, because I feel like we can be pitted against each other so much because of who?

I'm sorry. I think it's because of men. I mean, all the movies that I watched growing up, Mean Girls I don't wanna say she's a man because that might not even be a part of the plot. But a lot of the times, jealousy was always rooted around a guy, around men. Like, why?

Why? And so then if you turn it around and you take out any jealousy and you are genuinely just in awe of another woman and you are admiring them and you look up to them. Anyways, just complimenting and receiving compliments. Also love that. 10 out of 10.

10 out of 10 answer. Love that. I love that my okay. Non PG rating for you right now. Okay.

Alright. Rating. Not rating. Yeah. Non PG rating right now.

So turn down the volume for a second. I love that my genitals are not outside of my body and don't make random appearances without my control. If that's not like the realest thing that I've ever heard, I've never thought about that before. But I can say with confidence that I agree 110%. Actually, I have thought about that before, but just the random appearances without my control part.

That, I am not jealous of that at all. I am very content with the fact that that does not just happen. And, yeah, I think that's also great. That is a born to repost, forced to favorite experience. If I've ever if I've ever heard one in my life, that is the one.

And you know what else we don't have to deal with as women? Receding hairlines. Yeah. That's nice. Male pattern baldness.

Yeah. It's not person pattern baldness. It's male pattern baldness because us women don't have to deal with that. Okay? Yeah.

We might have to have a freaking period and bleed 7 days out of every month, every single year for our entire lives, but at least we're not going bald. Okay? And that is I would happily take that exchange. Thank you very much. This next submission says, I love wearing makeup and cute outfits.

Yeah. Dressing up. Dressing up whenever you want. Deciding that you know what? Today is the day that I let my rat appearance go down the drain.

You know what? It's okay. We'll fish them out tomorrow. But today is the day. They were putting on a cute skirt and a blouse.

A blouse? Am I a 100 years old? Okay. That's okay. Yeah.

Wearing cute makeup. Cute makeup, cute outfits. I love when I see women wearing makeup because that takes skill. And I, unfortunately, was one of those very obnoxious people for a long time. I I I will admit this to you.

I used to be that person that would say, oh, yeah. I've never worn I've never worn eyeshadow before. I have no idea how to do it. Otherwise, I totally would. Yeah.

Rip. Sorry. I'm so sorry I ever said that. Because this is the thing. Nobody knows how to do eye shadow until they start doing it, until they learn.

And you know how easy it is? Do you know how easy it is to wear, quote, unquote, eye shadow? I take my bronzer, and I and that's what I use, and I just kind of dab it around that area and it looks really nice. And guess what, Hannah? It didn't take very much research, did it?

And instead of acting like I just am so, you know, effortless and whatever, and I just, you know, I've never learned to do eye shadow, and so I just don't do it. No. Instead of having that attitude now, I take I take it seriously when I see someone with some good eye shadow. That is talent. That is skill.

You have practiced and you are slaying. Alright. 10 out of 10. Good job. Sorry.

I need to stop saying that in this episode. Okay. This next one says, I love being a feminist and feminine. Soft and bad day all in one. That's my girl.

That's my girl. I think that being feminine and a feminist and being soft and being bad ae, all of it is simultaneously done. It really is. When you decide that you're that girl, you're just that girl. And when you decide that you're living your life according to your standards and according to the way that makes you feel real and authentically you, you will automatically begin to be perceived that way.

And you know what? People might actually perceive you as being intimidating, And that's okay because they're just not ready for that energy yet. And maybe one day they will be. But I just I love that answer. And I agree 100%.

Of course I do. Because because it's perfect. Okay. The next one says, I love nails. I love makeup, skincare, fashion, boobs.

Amen. Can I get an amen? And then she says, jewelry, all the pretty things are ours. 100%. The the boobs part.

Yep. I love it. And you know what? Mine might be fake, but that's okay. I'm very, very grateful for them, and it's just something where I just you can appreciate them, big or small, no matter what.

I actually it's really funny because I feel like growing up, it was always only big boobs that I saw was the thing. Right? But I feel like in the last, I don't know, 5 or 6 years, it's really been about embracing and dressing for the size that you have in the way in the ways that you want. And now that I have them, there really are outfits that you can't wear. And I went into that knowing that was gonna be the case, and so that's fine.

But there are some shirts that I put on sometimes where I just think, dang. This is, like, way over way over, like, out there. Like, these are out there now. If I were to wear this kind of shirt, whereas before, you can kind of do more of that kind of thing. Not to say that I can't now, but it's more of a statement.

You know what I'm saying? There's a time and there's a place, and there's a lot of places that are not the time. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Next one says, I love that I create life, and being a mother is the best thing on Earth.

I love that. I'm so sorry that all of my responses are I love that. But I just do because I agree. I'm not a mom, but you doing that and you having a literal child. It just blows my mind and it becomes more and more amazing to me every single time my friends have babies.

In the past several years, I've been able to see some of my closest friends have children and seeing the way that, yes, it is an amazing experience, but it's also very hard and seeing them push through that and to never give up and to just work so hard through that and to support not only themselves, but now this new baby, that is a superpower that you alone have. And it is just so it's just so valuable and inspiring, and I love it. Okay. The next one says, I love the powerful community. And I agree, and I feel like the more that we put it out there, the more that we search for it, the easier it is to find.

When you are focused on, oh, my gosh, I hate being a woman. I hate it so bad because we have our periods. I mean, it's okay to say that, right? But me sitting there in the gym, just being sour at the fact that I have been lifting weights for 13 how old am I? 27.

13 years since I was 14 years old. Okay. You can't tell me that if I was a man and I had been lifting weights as consistently as I have for 13 years, you cannot tell me that I wouldn't be freaking jacked and way stronger and way stronger than I am. But that's okay because I have accepted that being a woman is much more exciting and that it is a much more powerful community and being a part of that is like nothing else. Okay.

So I have a few more submissions, and these ones are things that you guys are really proud of yourself for. The submission says, I got way out of my comfort zone and I started a social media account for my little business. Okay. I'm interjecting here. Don't call it little business.

It's not little. It is your business, and it's freaking growing. Okay? We are no longer referring to people's businesses as little businesses. I remember when I was catching up with someone and they were like, so how's your little business?

In reference to my permanent makeup. And I was thinking that I was doing such a good job and it had gotten really big and all these things. And all it takes is for 1 person to say, Oh, how's your little business going? To just kind of like, plant a little seed of doubt. And I'm not saying that's what you're doing to yourself, but I'm just saying you deserve to just have it be called your business.

When do you hear a man say, Oh, yeah, I started a little business. I have a little detailing business. It's a dainty detailing. That's what it's called. Dainty detailing for dainty cars.

No. They wouldn't be caught dead. So, yeah, that's all I have to say. Okay. Continuing.

She says, I remember literally crying the day I made the Instagram account because there was no going back, and I was so scared of the judgment I would receive from others. But my gut told me I needed to do it, so I did. And even though my content needs work, the account is growing every day. It's opened up my mind so much to what is possible, and I am so excited to keep learning and growing. I don't think people realize how nerve wracking it can be to have an idea in your head, have something that you really feel passionate about.

Most of the times it's not just an idea either. Most of the time you've done the skills, you've done the studying, you've done the certifications, you've gotten the degree, you have acquired the skills needed, the talent. You have the talent. You have the work. It's so hard to even after you have all of the proof to back you up that you know what you're doing, it's so hard to make that Instagram account and to have it be seen by your friends and family.

What is it? What is it about it that makes it so hard? I don't know. But the more you do it and the more that you put yourself out there, like you said, it opens up your mind so much to what is possible, and it shows you that the things that we're often scared of are Wow, this is so corny. They're the things that we needed most in order to grow.

And so I'm proud of you and I'm proud of your big business. Okay. It's not dainty detailing over here. Alright? You've got legit customers and you have a real brand.

So good job. This next one says, I don't know if this counts as an accomplishment, but I've had a picture of lip filler on my 2024 vision board, and my sweet husband surprised me for my birthday and booked me an appointment. So I got the filler. It's been something I've wanted to do for years. I needed to try it before I died because life is too short.

And so many people told me their biggest regret was not doing it sooner. I just did a little bit, and it's still healing. But so far, I love it. And I love that for you. Okay?

There's nothing I love more than having the option to do it to do something and to freaking do it. So like I said, I I've never regretted my my BA, never regretted getting boobs. Some people told me that I would regret it. And here we are years later, and I don't. So I think that you should always do what you wanna do.

Again, as I have mentioned in the past with Botox and with my surgery, they're things to think about. And so I think if you've thought about it for years, that is a pretty good indication that you actually want it for you and for not anybody else, and for a good reason. And I feel like your husband is very sweet for booking you that appointment for your birthday. Happy birthday. Alright.

So this last one says, I completed a half marathon, but but it actually made me kind of fall out of love with working out. I think that running is amazing exercise, but not one that I enjoyed. So I started hating all of my runs. Wow, if that's not relatable, I don't know what is. I don't know what is.

After a break from working out, I recently started the form app by Sammy Clark. It's a Pilates and strength strength workout app for those who don't know. I have been loving the gym again. I'm never been so excited to go, and I've been so consistent. That's a win in my book.

And the running experience might be a canon event. I'm sorry. Might be universal. I don't know. I did a half marathon once.

I did when I was 16. Guess who stopped doing cross country after that? Guess who didn't sign up for cross country again? No. It's because I joined the cheer team, and I didn't wanna do 2 sports.

But to be real, that was when I got introduced even more into weights as well. Well, I haven't actually done Pilates, so I can't I cannot actually talk much about that. I did do a Pilates class in college, but I feel like that was fake Pilates. I don't feel like it was real because I don't remember it. Blocked it out from my memory.

So I love that you have been doing a form of movement that you actually enjoy. I feel like, again, getting into running, it's something that you either click with or you don't. Or you click with it for a little bit, and then your body says, hey, I think I need to switch up the training. Do you have something else in that mind of good ideas? And the good news is, is that there are so many options.

There are so many options. Oh, my gosh. And so I'm so happy for you. And the best thing that you can do, I would say the number one best way of moving your body is this. Okay?

You ready for it? This is the number one way. It's the one that lets you be consistent. Mic drop. Yeah.

Essentially, the one that will allow you to be the most consistent, the one that makes you the most excited. That is a form of exercise you should choose. If you hate weights, then don't do it. Just don't do it. Alright?

It's not worth it. It is not worth it to hate your workouts, especially when the goal is consistency. So find what you love. Maybe it's group fitness. Maybe it's Pilates.

Maybe it's an at home workout or a YouTube workout. The only the only thing that matters is the consistency because that is what is going to make you feel good. Is keeping a promise to yourself, moving your body, and building up your strength. Okay. So that is all that I have today, and I just wanted to say, I appreciate you guys so much.

I appreciate it when you submit stories. I appreciate it when you answer the little question boxes on my stories, and I just appreciate the all around positivity when it comes to, honestly, the support that I've received on this podcast. I know. I I don't worry. I'll keep it short.

I will keep it short. The most support I have received have been from strangers. And not just strangers, but people that I haven't connected with for a long time, as well as acquaintances. People that I've only spoken with 1 or 2 times. Those people have been some of my most consistent listeners.

And then I, of course, I have my friends that have just been supportive of every single venture that I've done. Every business, my 1500 different Instagram accounts that I've made for each each hobby that I've ever started and then decided to make money doing. And I just wanted to say that I really appreciate it. It means the world, and I hope that if you have anything that you've wanted to do, that you go for it this year because it's scary. But, hey, I think that this is going to be, I don't know, my 42nd or 43rd episode.

I'm not remembering. But that's kinda crazy. Right? And it is crazy the things that you'll do when you create that consistency in your life. And so, yeah, I just wanna let you know, I'm really appreciative of you, and I think you're great.

I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will talk to you later. Thank you so much for listening to the Unrelatable podcast. See you next timeeeeee

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