The Unrelatable Podcast
Hi, hello, I’m Hannah! This is the space where I explore both the relatable and unrelatable experiences that shape who we are. We explore everything from conquering our fears, to discussing topics like mental health, fitness, pressures of social media, friend dynamics, and the small victories (and losses) along the way. Live on Thursday's.
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The Unrelatable Podcast
It's Our Birthday!!! Unrelatable Birthday Stories
This year, my birthday is looking a lot different than most <3 So today I felt it would be appropriate to share your most unrelatable birthday stories, along with my own. From Pinterest perfect, to total disasters, you don't want to miss this one! Hope you enjoy, xx
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Hi. Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. It is our birthday. Happy birthday, everybody. It's my birthday today, which means it's yours as well.
So happy birthday to us. Today, I wanted to celebrate all of us by diving into all of our fun, chaotic, or traumatic birthday experiences. So that's what we're doing. We're talking about our unrelatable birthdays. It's gonna be a more fun, casual episode, and I'm excited about it.
So if you are interested in that, then welcome back to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. I might be the odd one out here, but I love birthdays. I love celebrating birthdays. I love celebrating my friends. I love celebrating my dog.
I love being celebrated. It's just such a fun time. I mean, it's literally our one day on this Earth that is dedicated to us. And a lot of times, other people have our same birthdays, and that's fun. That's an automatic that's an automatic best friend right there when you have the same birthday or enemy, just, I guess, depending on how chill or not chill they are.
So, yeah, I am really excited because we have some really Pinterest perfect birthdays to share today, and then we also have total disasters. You guys really, really came through. So we are going to jump in in just a second. I'm gonna give you a little birthday update, what I'm up to. So as you know, this past few days, I've been in London.
I've been across the pond, and it has been I'm, like, sitting here in Utah recording it the week before saying it has been the most wonderful experience. I haven't gone yet, technically, but I am going with the pest control company that I work with. You know, I might not own a pest control company anymore, but I still work with one. And they are amazing, incredible people, and invited me to go. I do their marketing, their social media marketing.
So as of right now, I'm really excited to go. I leave tomorrow on Wednesday, the fifth. So it's going to be a fun little getaway, a little change of scenery. The very first time I was in London was back in 2017, and it was only for two days. So I didn't even go to the bridge or Big Ben or anything like that.
In fact, I was all by myself. I'll tell you the story, I guess. So I went with my mom and my sister to Bulgaria. My mom has a nonprofit where she helps Bulgarian orphans. And recently, this was actually expanded to Albanian orphans as well and hoping to go into Poland and Bosnia, I think, are the next or maybe it was Poland and Georgia are the next few places that we're hoping to expand to.
I also do their, marketing, so that's why I'm saying we. But, anyways, long story short, I went with them, and it was a wonderful trip. And at the end, we decided to stop by a few different places. So the first place we stopped by was Prague, Czech Republic. And, unfortunately, as we get to the airport, our check-in goes smoothly.
There's about, I think, nine of us in our reservation. Our check-in goes smoothly, but as I start to give them my carry on bag, these people oh, well, I I actually messed up, I will say. And I left some essential oils in my bag. There they were essential oils for, like, stress and whatnot. And my bag went through and it beeped.
And they said, do you have any liquids in here? And I said, no. No. I pulled all of them out. Here they are.
And I had forgotten, like, the two or three bottles of essential oils in my pocket, in my backpack. And so in front of me, they stick their hand in the exact place they know where the liquid is. They pull it out, and they say, what about these? And then they chuck it in the trash. And I'm devastated.
First of all, these things are expensive. Okay? And it helped with my it helped with, like, staying calm and stress, and I think there was something for my stomach, for digestion. And so I was distraught, and I was crying and crying, and my mom begged them. They're like, please, please give them back to my daughter.
She needs those. And, anyways, long story short, the the lady next to the guy who dumped it all, she pitied me, so she gave me back my essential oils. But we were there about forty five minutes before boarding time. So we are pretty, pretty freaking early. And somehow, despite being so early to our flight, all nine of us don't see that it boards.
So my mom goes up to the front, and she says, hey. I mean, it's five minutes past past the flight time. Like, when when when do we board? And they say, oh, ma'am. We just shut the doors.
You're not getting on that flight. And she said, well, what are you talking about? Like, we didn't hear anything. And they said, is this your group? And she said, yeah.
She said, we called each of your names four times. And in my mind, I'm like, okay. That's BS. Because if all nine of us are sitting here and not even a single person heard her name called four times, I think you're lying. I don't think you wanted me on that flight.
I'm just kidding. But somehow, we missed our flight. And that was tragic because it's expensive to get a flight for the next day. Luckily, it was just to London, and so it was a couple hundred dollars. Again, the flight shouldn't have been that much, but it was a very last minute flight.
So we get very, very, very lucky. We're at the airport all evening, all night, finally. We somehow get onto a last minute flight for the very next day. Now they had said that they didn't have a flight available for that many people for the next nine days or something like that. I'm making up nine days for sure.
It was it was around anywhere from, you know, five to two weeks five days to two weeks. I don't remember. But, essentially, we got extremely lucky. They split us up onto two different flights, and we were headed out the next morning. Well, as we're leaving the airport to go to the hotel to get some rest after this very stressful time of me almost losing all my essential oils and then all of us missing our flight, my mom realizes that she lost her purse.
The purse withholds her and my sister's passports. Did we find it? No. We did not. So that just concluded in more stress, more anxiety.
We get to the hotel. They're freaking out. I mean, losing your passport in another country is a really big deal. It's not a good thing. And, obviously, the whole purse too, the cards, everything was all gone.
And luckily, the gentleman at the hotel gave us his room, and so we were able to sleep a little bit. And your girl had her passport on her because I told my mom, I said, no. It's okay. I can hold my own passport. I'm an adult.
And I had my own passport. It wasn't lost, and I got onto that flight and headed over to London. And I was by myself for a day and a half before my sister and mom were able to catch two last minute reservations and fly over to London A Day And A Half later. So I spent my day in London with my little travel backpack, and I just jogged. I just jogged around the city.
This was back when I ran a lot more, and I jogged around the gardens. I took myself to the palace, went and hung out at a restaurant, sat in a park, ate some food. I went to Premark, which is one of their really, really, really big super cheap shopping malls. And at the time, I had no idea anything about fast fashion, so I was pretty stoked about it. Got some new shoes there and really just had a grand old time.
Of course, I was stressed out about my mom and my sister, but that very next morning, someone had turned in her purse with both of their passports. Everything was inside of it, so that's why they were able to get on on the flight a day and a half later. Can't believe I almost forgot to tell you that part. Jeez. So, yeah, long story short, always hold on to your passport and don't have anyone else hold on to it for you.
Of course, it was a mistake that I I know that no one wanted to make, but it's always better to have only one passport lost than several. So that was my experience in London the first time. And, luckily, when my mom and sister got there the next night, it was my mom's birthday that day, and we had reservations to Wicked. So we were able to see that on Broadway. Now I haven't seen the movie yet, and I actually kind of forget the entire storyline.
So if anyone wants to have a movie night, I'm down to watch it. I do like musicals. In fact, we are going to go see Les Mis, and I couldn't be more excited. By this time, I'll have seen it, but I'm so excited to see Les Les Mis. That's been definitely the Broadway show that is the top on my list, that in Hamilton.
So it should be a good time. It should be a good time. I am excited and so grateful. But yeah. Anyways, that's basically how I'm spending part of my birthday week.
And then I'll probably spend some time with some family the day of, maybe get some sushi. And when I say sushi, I mean vegetarian sushi. Don't get it twisted. I really don't like fish. Okay.
Let's get into the the birthday stories that you guys submitted because we have a lot. I think I have 13 of them. You guys really came through. Thank you so much for doing that. Okay.
Let me pull it up here. Oh, wait. It's literally missing the very the very first one that I wanted to share. Okay. Let me find it real quick.
Okay. It says, my birthday is March 13 and often occurs on Friday the thirteenth. But the most memorable birthday, not for a good reason, was in 2020 when the entire world decided to shut down on Friday, 03/13/2020. At least it went into effect in Utah as of this day. I had an expensive concert that night, and they literally canceled it two hours before showtime.
And every public establishment was under strict order to not allow anybody in, so I went home and cried. LOL. So my twenty twenty Friday the thirteenth birthday literally went down in history for being the day the entire world went into quarantine. That is tragic. What a tragic birthday.
What did you do? Did you go buy a store bought cake from Walmart? They actually do have some really cute little cakes, especially the white ones with a little confetti confetti sprinkles sparkles sprinkles on there. I could not even imagine. You need to tell us what concert it was, especially if it was expensive.
I wanna know who who was this. That's so unfortunate. It's so unfortunate. Having a Friday the thirteenth birthday is crazy too. I mean, it only wait.
Does that mean it happens every seven seven years? Is that is that what it is? Oh my goodness. Twenty twenty. What a month.
Oh my gosh. March of twenty twenty. What an insane time. Oh, yeah. We don't even need to expand on that.
I'm just sorry that happened to you. Okay. This next submission says, I was studying abroad in Italy, and I was so excited to have this magical European birthday. I imagined myself drinking wine on a rooftop, eating pasta, and maybe even meeting a gorgeous Italian man. These are some high expectations for everything to happen in a single day, ma'am, might I say.
Okay. What actually happened? I got food poisoning from some sketchy seafood dish the night before. I woke up violently ill and spent the entire day throwing up in my tiny Airbnb bathroom. To make matters worse, my roommates still went out without me and posted a ton of pictures with the caption celebrating in your honor, which, like, thanks.
At one point, I was so delirious from dehydration that I started crying to my Uber Eats driver because he was the only person I saw that night. I ended up spending the evening FaceTiming my mom from across the world, eating dry toast, and realizing that sometimes birthdays just suck. And, yes, I now have a deep irrational fear of seafood. I mean, hey. You could be dehydrated, delirious, and sick on the bathroom floor in The US, but you're in Italy.
So that gets you a few points. But, no, I don't blame you for having an irrational fear of seafood. Seafood, as I was just saying a few minutes ago, it's something that I just can't get over. I'm terrified of it. I mean, I'm not terrified.
I just it's so slimy. It really is. Whenever I order salmon, I just ask, please make it so crispy. Make it so it's not even edible to your standards, and it'll be perfect for me. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Okay. Third submission. My friends tried to throw me a surprise party, but instead, they traumatized me. Perfect.
Here's what happened. I had zero idea that they are planning anything. So when I walked into my apartment and saw a bunch of people jumping out screaming, I literally thought I was being robbed. My fight or flight kicked in, and I threw the cake that one of my friends was holding straight at the closest person. It hit my roommate who had spent hours making it from scratch right in the face.
Instead of recovering like a normal person, I bolted out the door and ran down the street. It wasn't until I was halfway down the block that I realized it was, in fact, my own birthday party. When I came back, everyone was just standing there in dead silence, and she was covered in frosting. I spent the entire rest of the night apologizing profusely while they tried to convince me that I didn't, in fact, ruin my own party. Moral of the story, I will never trust myself or my friends again.
This sounds so fake. I literally cannot believe that this actually happened to you. I mean, I can. I've seen people react that way where, you know, they throw something or they grab the nearest object, and it's flying. So I guess I do I guess I do see that, especially when you're not expecting it.
But that's hilarious. I hope you guys still had I hope you guys still had a good time. Good friends will let you still have a good time after throwing cake in their face on accident. Okay. This next one says, my 20 birthday was supposed to be legendary.
My friends and I had an entire night planned. Bars, bottle service, the whole thing. Okay. This is new for me because I never experienced this. Okay.
Getting back to the story. It started off great until I took my first legal shot and immediately choked on the line, causing me to spit it all over the bartender. It was humiliating. Things only spiraled from there. I lost my ID within an hour, so I couldn't even get into half the places that we planned to go.
Then my best friend got kicked out of the club for crying too hard. Over what? It's still unclear. To top it all off, my Uber home was driven by my high school's exes oh, sorry. Driven by my high school exes older brother who recognized me instantly and spent the entire ride asking me about my love life and my life plans.
I woke up the next day with no ID, no dignity, and the realization that maybe 21 isn't all it's hyped up to be. I just feel like after experiencing all that, to have to go on an Uber ride home with your high school ex's older brother, nope. That would have been my thirteenth reason. I'm so sorry. It's kind of hilarious, so it makes for a good story, and it's entertaining.
So it might actually be all that it's hyped up to be. Okay. Next one. I was oh, wait. That was the studying abroad in Italy.
We already did did that one. Okay. My best friends and I planned a Vegas trip for my birthday. We were all determined to have a main character moment. Okay.
The night started classy. Dinner at a fancy restaurant and expensive drinks feeling like celebrities. Then chaos ensued. Somehow, we ended up at a penthouse party with people who allegedly worked for a famous DJ. My friend swore she saw our Kardashians hairdresser there.
No one knows if that was true. But at some point, we got invited to a VIP section at the club, And I genuinely still have no idea who paid for anything that night. But the best part, at 3AM, a guy dressed as Elvis hold us into a limo, okay, that's scary, and drove us to a twenty four hour diner where we ate pancakes with a bachelorette party from Canada and a retired magician named Steve. Wow. Is this a movie?
It was the most random, chaotic, and unforgettable birthday ever. 10 out of 10 would do again. You know what? I would do that again. That sounds like so much fun, especially ending up at a penthouse party.
You know, this is the kind of year I'm trying to have is hanging out with just fun, crazy maybe not crazy. Take out the crazy part. Fun people, meeting DJs. No. Just kidding.
That literally is insane. I just love the fact that you went with Elvis confidently to a twenty four hour diner. But you gotta be real. Those pancakes at a Denny's or a twenty four hour diner, oh my gosh. They never hit harder.
They do not. They're so good. And a milkshake. That sounds amazing right now, actually. Okay.
Next one. My birthday will forever be known as the day my sister got engaged. I had been planning a low key dinner with my family. Nothing crazy, just a nice evening. But halfway through, my sister's boyfriend stood up, clinked his glass, and proposed in the middle of the restaurant.
Wow. I would kill him. Everyone started crying and cheering while I just sat there completely forgotten. My mom was sobbing, my dad was taking pictures, and my sister was obviously thrilled. The waiter came over to bring in the cake I had ordered, saw the scene, and literally whispered to me, should I just take this back?
I ended up eating my sad little birthday cake alone while my family surrounded my sister gushing about wedding plans, talking about it for the rest of the night. When I tried to bring it up later, my mom told me I was being selfish for wanting the attention back. I mean, I get it. It was a big moment. But did it have to happen on my one day of the year and in a restaurant on my birthday?
Okay. This guy. This guy. This guy. This guy.
How is your relationship with your brother-in-law then? Can I ask you that? He sounds not very, like, is he conscious? I don't know. I I definitely think that doing a proposal on a birthday is insane.
I wouldn't even I wouldn't even propose on to somebody on their own birthday. Allow it to have a separate occasion. I mean, I'm sure even his girl I'm sure even your sister would have wanted her own day. So that's really odd. That's just really odd.
I'm really sorry that happened. They definitely deserve you definitely deserve a redo on that because what the heck? Don't worry, though. No one celebrates the day they got engaged after, like, two years. I promise.
It's it's gonna fly under the radar. I promise. Okay. This next one says, I had a farm animal themed birthday party when I was seven, and my parents hired a petting zoo to come to our backyard. Cute.
Right? No. It was a disaster. At some point, one of my friends left the gate open, and every single animal escaped. I'm talking goats, chickens, and rabbits sprinting down my suburban street while a bunch of seven year olds screamed.
My dad was chasing a pig with a laundry basket, and my mom was calling animal control while all my neighbors were standing on their lawns watching in horror as all of these animals were pooping all over the place. But the worst part, a llama ran up to me and spit directly in my face while I was crying about all my lost animals. There's photographic evidence of me mid sob covered in llama spit while my birthday party was chaos. My parents still bring it up every single year. I have never recovered.
You know, having a farm themed animal birthday party would be so much fun, but how much preparation does that take? Like, excuse me. Did you have a massive yard and huge gate and all the things? That's crazy. Imagine taking your kid to somebody's house who rented a ton of animals.
I don't know. I would just be a little bit nervous. Like, hey. Do you you need extra hands? I don't know.
In my in my opinion, they should have included some some stable hands there to help you out. I can't believe that. I cannot believe that. Hey. Some of our best birthday stories are when we were young kids.
Oh my gosh. You know, I'm actually remembering one. I was let me think. I was in Young Women's. And if you don't know what that is, it's a program that they have in a church that I that I went to and grew up in.
And I had all my young woman's friends over for my birthday party, and one of the girls was a little bit strange. She was very, very, very nice, but kind of matured just a little bit slower than than I did, I guess. But literally on my birthday party, she bit my hand. And that's all I remember is that she bit me for some strange reason, and I was freaking pissed. I was like, why do you leave my house.
Leave my house, you strange 12 year old girl. I mean, I'm not even kidding. I was it was somewhere between the ages of 12 and 15 when this happened, and she bit me. So that's a random birthday experience that I I don't have any other context. I don't.
But I'm sure I did nothing wrong because when it's your birthday, you can't do anything wrong. Okay. This next submission. Okay. This one says, my boyfriend told me that we were going on a simple date night for my birthday.
It was going to be dinner and a movie. Nothing crazy. But when we got to the restaurant, it was packed with people, and I was so confused. Turns out, my best friend had been secretly texting everyone I know, and they threw me the most insane surprise party. There were people from different parts of my life, work friends, high school friends, college roommates.
And the very best part, my mom even flew in from out of state. I ugly cried in the middle of the restaurant. Then just when I thought the surprises were over, they brought out a pinata shaped like me. I have no idea where they even got it made, but it was horrifyingly accurate. We spent the rest of the night taking shots and aggressively beating up my pinata twin.
Best birthday ever. You know, having a pinata twin, that's something that I didn't even know I wanted on my wish list, but I think I do. I think that that needs to happen. There's nothing better than pinatas on your birthday. And I think as adults, it's more critical now than ever before that we have a pinata.
And these need to be five times more indestructible for sure. And there needs to be safety goggles for everyone surrounding it, of course. But what could be better? What could be better? Why did we stop?
When's the last time you had a pinata at your birthday? Oh my goodness. Pinatas. Always the best part about a birthday party. Okay.
Moving moving forward. I was celebrating my birthday in LA. Wow. You guys have such extravagant birthdays. Okay.
And through a series of completely unplanned events, my friends and I somehow ended up at a famous actor's house party. Okay. Who is this? DM me. See, I'm trying to have some crazy wild experiences like this this year.
Okay? I wish I could say it was because we're cool. But, honestly, we just met some random guy who knew someone who knew someone. Next thing I know, we're in this ridiculous mansion drinking fancy cocktails and acting like we belong there. Okay.
You weren't at Diddy's mansion though, were you? We we just gotta make sure. I think everyone and every everything got invited to those parties. I really hope it wasn't there. It probably wasn't.
Okay. At one point, I turned around and saw a literal a list celebrity casually making himself a sandwich in the kitchen. I froze. My brain could not process it. And instead of saying something normal, I blurted out, happy birthday.
I mean, to me, not you, unless it's your birthday too. He just laughed and said, happy birthday, and walked away. I still can't believe that actually happened. I feel like I would say something just like that as well. So it's okay.
I mean, what do you do? Have any of you guys been super casual while meeting a celebrity? Have any of you ever met a celebrity? There's one time that I thought I saw Adam Sandler at a pool in San Diego at a hotel. He looked just like Adam Sandler.
He really did. And it was really strange. And I think that's really the only celebrity oh, I did see I did see Dwayne The Rock Johnson back when he was cool. Now he's just kind of a I don't know. How would we what would we say he is?
He really used to be so motivating and inspirational. I don't know. Maybe I just really liked him, and I'm the only one. But I used to follow him and his gym stuff and his motivational stuff, and I don't know. Now I just kinda think he's like a sellout.
I don't know. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? I mean, it was just my opinion, I guess. But yeah.
Okay. Moving forward. My birthday was supposed to be a simple backyard barbecue with friends. Chill vibes, good food, and nothing crazy. But then about halfway through, my best friend pulled me aside and said, don't be mad, but I'm getting married right now.
What? I thought she was joking. She was not. She and her fiance had been secretly planning to elope, but didn't want to deal with the logistics of booking a venue, so they used my birthday party instead. This can't be real.
My casual barbecue turned into an actual wedding ceremony. My mom started crying. My dad gave a toast, and my other friends started setting up chairs like we had planned this whole thing. And, honestly, it was iconic. I went from being mildly annoyed to fully officiating their wedding.
Thanks, five minute online ordination. Now every year, we celebrate my birthday and their anniversary at the same time. It's weird, but it works. You mean you don't celebrate it, like, every single year together, do you? Oh, are you yawning crew?
Are you having a big yawn? That's so weird if you do celebrate it together. I don't think I that would be crazy. But, honestly, fun and good for you if you were so flexible as to where you still had a great great birthday. I mean, again, you said it was like a simple backyard barbecue, so why not?
I mean, I think that'd be a lot of fun. I think it'd be a lot of fun, especially being able to officiate. I feel like that would just make it all the more while really fun. Wow. I have four words in my vocabulary.
Sorry. I guess I'm losing my voice now too. What is going on? Let me get a drink over here. Okay.
We only have a few submissions left. Yeah. I'm sorry. Today's episode might be a little bit shorter than normal. Don't hate me.
It's my birthday. You can't say one negative thing about me today. Okay? Okay. This one says my boyfriend had been acting super suspicious suspicious leading up to my birthday.
So I was convinced he was planning something big. I kept trying to guess. Was it a trip, a fancy dinner, a huge party? Nope. Turns out my dog was throwing me a birthday party.
Yes. You read that right. My boyfriend fully committed to the bit and hosted a party from my dog's perspective. There were decorations with my dog's face, a custom cake with happy birthday human written on it, and even a playlist of songs my dog, quote and quote, chose for me. It was just an unhinged mix of who let the dogs out and Taylor Swift.
My friends all played along, brought their own dogs, and we spent the whole night acting like my dog had planned the event. Easily, my favorite birthday ever. Highly recommend having a pet theme party even if you're an adult. This sounds like so much fun, especially because dogs don't always get their own birthday party. You know what I mean?
As if I've ever thrown a single birthday party for my dog. I've always celebrated Cruz' birthday and gotten him a present and took some photos of him and got him a new toy, but I've never hosted a full on birthday party. I don't know. Maybe year nine will be the year, but this is so fun, especially with everyone bringing their own dogs. What a good boyfriend you have.
That is so unique and so fun. Okay. Moving forward, I had planned a birthday weekend with my best friends, dinner and a little getaway. Everything was set. Then one by one, my friends bailed last minute.
I couldn't get work off. And I'm so sorry, but I think I have the flu. Something came up. All valid excuses, but I was still crushed. So I had two choices, sulk or make the best out of it.
I decided, screw it. I'll take myself out. I got all dressed up and went to my favorite restaurant, ordered myself an expensive meal, and had an entire cake to myself. At first, I felt weird being alone on my birthday, but by the end of the night, I kinda loved it. No drama, no stress, no pressure, just me celebrating myself and nobody to sing me happy birthday while I sat there feeling awkward.
Honestly, it was kind of empowering, and I think I might do it again next year on purpose this time. Okay. That's so fun. Maybe I'll do that this year. That is so fun.
Oh my goodness. I think that being able to be flexible like that is a superpower and to not I don't know. I feel like a lot of people don't look forward to birthdays maybe because of disappointments in the in the past, but maybe coming into it as, yeah, you make your birthday a good, fun, and exciting one. And then everything else that happens, whether you see friends or family, it's just a cherry on top. I feel like that's a really good way to go about it.
Okay. That is all that is all of our submissions today. I, again, I love birthdays, and they do change as you get older and as times change in your life. I mean, I was just talking about this with my sister because it was her birthday this last weekend. Or, I guess, when you're listening to this, it was two weekends ago.
She turned 20, which is absolutely insane to me. The weirdest part about getting older for me is watching all my siblings get older. That's the weird part. And watching them hit all of these big life life miles lifestones? Milestones.
Wow. It took us a few words, but we made it. Yeah. I just feel like as a kid, they're really exciting, and they're magical because your parents are planning it or your friends are coming, and it's all about the cake. And it's really, really simple and fun, and it's not that deep.
And then as an adult, it can kind of change in a way where sometimes it just ends up being another day, and sometimes you have to work. And sometimes it's stressful because, well, guess what? You got a fifty fifty shot at having to plan your own birthday. And it's weird. I yeah.
This is my first, spoiler alert, this is my first birthday single since I was 16. Isn't that crazy? I actually can't believe that. I can't believe I'm going into this New Year single for the first time since I was 16 years old, and I'm 28. That's insane.
Never saw that coming. How many times can I say that how many yeah? How many times can I say that without it getting old? Not not enough? Okay.
Thank you. I can say whatever I want. It's my birthday. I can do what I want. So, yeah, I just feel like birthdays I don't know.
It's weird. It's weird how much they change. I mean, for me in the past, we always celebrated birthdays as a surprise, and it would always be a surprise. And you'd wake up and not know what you're gonna do, and it was always so much fun. And that was something that we both really loved and loved celebrating and loved doing.
And I'm moving forward going to keep that going of still celebrating and having a good time even if I am on my own or by myself. And I just feel like at the end of the day, you've got to be good with being in your own company. And, yeah, of course, you're gonna have birthdays with family and with your friends, but being able to do it in your own company like that last story, I thought that was really cool. So, yeah, I definitely think that birthdays are different, you know, as an adult rather than when you're a kid, but they can be just they can be just as magical. I really do think so.
And yeah. So the main point of it is to feel it's about feeling celebrated and loved and acknowledged. And I just want to say thank you guys. You have been, oh my goodness, just so wonderful. I, man, I could not be more grateful for for you and for your submissions that you give me.
And I know it's annoying when I ask for them. Maybe it's not. I mean, if you follow me if you follow me, I guess you don't care. But, yeah, I just I just wanna say thank you. I it is crazy the way that life changes so fast and what my life looked like one year ago versus today.
And, honestly, last February was the worst month ever, so anything can be. This this February has already been beat. That that's for sure. That is for sure. And I'm just so excited.
Life is life this year, life at 28, it's going to be so much fun. It it's already been so different. It's going to be filled with so many new experiences. And a year ago, that brought me so much fear. Just the thought of that brought a lot of fear and too much fear to the point of not even knowing if it was worth worth the risk.
And I'm just really grateful to be able to, I guess, have the opportunity of a fresh start and to get to know myself on a level that I've never known myself before. It is scary, of course, but it's so necessary to know yourself fully and to love yourself despite the mistakes that you make in your life and the times that you might regret. And yeah. I don't know. I'm just grateful.
I'm grateful for all of you. Thank you so much for making me feel so loved all the time, especially with everything that's been going on in life. And I hope that you also feel loved and that we can all just have the best birthdays ever this year. Even if we do spend them alone or with one or two people. I think that, like I said before, it's about feeling loved and being with people that you care about.
And it doesn't have to be big and extravagant and crazy and all these things. And it's never about the gifts, but about the experience of being with the people that matter most to you. So, anyways, not gonna be corny any longer. I am sorry that this episode is shorter than normal, but I love you guys. I hope that you have the most wonderful Wednesday ever because, yes, surprise.
I hope you guys enjoyed having this episode out one day sooner than normal. I just felt like I had to. I was like, it's my birthday. I've gotta I've gotta release it one day sooner. One one day one day earlier.
I mean, I did use to drop my episodes on Wednesdays. But yeah. Anyways, I digress. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you enjoyed all my yapping, and I will talk to you very, very, very soon.
Thank you so much for listening to another episode of the Unrelatable podcast. Bye.